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Quick update 1st death outside of China happened in the Philippines and first cases contracted by people who have not been to China. Also anther bird flu outbreak in China ontop of the swine flu they already had will result in meet shortages there for a good while.
Just doing a bit of improving reading while having a bit of a lie in this morning and came across this is an episode of Asterix and Obelix.
Coronavirus is the Roman charioteer (with his co-charioteer, Bacillus) in the Trans-Italy chariot race. Seeing that this BD was published in 2017, so probably being worked on during 2016, it makes me wonder how "new" this strain is! Coronavirus is the guy
Screenshot from 2020-02-08 12-47-07.png
in the golden mask and the keen favourite of the crowd.
Just doing a bit of improving reading while having a bit of a lie in this morning and came across this is an episode of Asterix and Obelix.
Coronavirus is the Roman charioteer (with his co-charioteer, Bacillus) in the Trans-Italy chariot race. Seeing that this BD was published in 2017, so probably being worked on during 2016, it makes me wonder how "new" this strain is! Coronavirus is the guyView attachment 22937 in the golden mask and the keen favourite of the crowd.
There are a loads of different variants on coronavirus, the common cold being one of them - every one of us has had a version of the coronavirus countless times already. The Wuhan outbreak is just a new strain.
There are a loads of different variants on coronavirus, the common cold being one of them - every one of us has had a version of the coronavirus countless times already. The Wuhan outbreak is just a new strain.
Thanks for that. It's about time it had it's own name, then, like Wuhan Flu or Pangolinitis so that we know what we're talking about.
Not good so far chaps & chapesses . God willing hoping this does not escalate, however I’m concerned ! We don’t have the infrastructure to deal with the pneumonia aspect of this virus should it go pandemic , O2 supplies alone are not sufficient in the uk for 10s of thousands . May your god go with you.
Thanks for that. It's about time it had it's own name, then, like Wuhan Flu or Pangolinitis so that we know what we're talking about.
I have heard it being called 'Kung Flu', but no doubt the uber pc types, like the BBC will struggle with that.
You laugh now .... but these are humans who have succumbed to this virus. I like a laugh & I am the most UNpolitically PC person out there however this is a very serious situation as we speak sporadic outbreaks are cropping up everywhere , if this hits under developed countries (so far Africa has reported nothing) it will be carnage.
You laugh now .... but these are humans who have succumbed to this virus. I like a laugh & I am the most UNpolitically PC person out there however this is a very serious situation as we speak sporadic outbreaks are cropping up everywhere , if this hits under developed countries (so far Africa has reported nothing) it will be carnage.
Not sure I agree with you Winterbourne. Making light of the truly awful is part of our coping mechanism; not a single life will be saved by our going around with long faces. On the contrary, levity stops the subject from becoming taboo and keeps the issue alive and the dangers and the dead in our minds, too. None of this implies any disrespect for those who have died or are going to die. My forum name and picture, for example is the closest thing that exists in Breton folklore to our notion of "The Grim Reaper". My choosing that name implies no disrespect for all the dead. You're right. If the Kung flu hits Africa it'll be a disaster on the scale of the AIDS epidemic. The question is what can we do or are we prepared to do about it. Very little that I can think of, alas.
Anyone had any thoughts about the Chinese doctor who used the internet to alert of a possible mass virus and was then warned by the Chinese police and had to then say he'd given false information (all this before the virus surfaced)He has since contracted the virus and died?
Healthy young Doctor? Bet he had quite a bit of information to offer about it.Maybe I've watched too many James Bond type films.
Anyone had any thoughts about the Chinese doctor who used the internet to alert of a possible mass virus and was then warned by the Chinese police and had to then say he'd given false information (all this before the virus surfaced)He has since contracted the virus and died?
Healthy young Doctor? Bet he had quite a bit of information to offer about it.Maybe I've watched too many James Bond type films.
It made me wonder about the information about the disease that has been released so far; that it is comparable to a common cold or normal flu and only critical to the old and infirm. I know this doctor would have had far higher exposure to it than the average sufferer, but this should not have had any influence on its severity to a young healthy person.

Maybe we're not being told the truth about this disease or maybe there is something in the conspiracy theories after all.
It made me wonder about the information about the disease that has been released so far; that it is comparable to a common cold or normal flu and only critical to the old and infirm. I know this doctor would have had far higher exposure to it than the average sufferer, but this should not have had any influence on its severity to a young healthy person.

Maybe we're not being told the truth about this disease or maybe there is something in the conspiracy theories after all.
Maybe he was "punished" for spilling the beans!
It made me wonder about the information about the disease that has been released so far; that it is comparable to a common cold or normal flu and only critical to the old and infirm. I know this doctor would have had far higher exposure to it than the average sufferer, but this should not have had any influence on its severity to a young healthy person.

Maybe we're not being told the truth about this disease or maybe there is something in the conspiracy theories after all.
It is comparable to the flu as it seems to spread at least roughly like it but flu kills under 0.01% of people who catch it of which nearly all have other serious conditions with it while this seems to kill at least 2%.
Maybe we're not being told the truth about this disease or maybe there is something in the conspiracy theories after all.

I don't think the Chinese have hidden any figures so if this was a bigger killer than they are saying it is I am sure we would know by now.
The current death rate is about 43:1 Infected v. Death (34,800 ÷ 813).

Surely, all of the people who died can't have been "old and infirm with underlying illnesses" can they?
It looks like the old statement flu kills the old and young doesn't quite cover it -

Who is most at risk for dying from the flu?
  • children 18 and under who are taking aspirin- or salicylate-based medications
  • women who are pregnant or are less than two weeks postpartum
  • anyone who experiences chronic illness
  • people who have compromised immune systems
  • people living in long-term care, assisted living facilities, or nursing homes
  • people who have a BMI of 40 or over
  • organ donor recipients who take anti-rejection drugs
  • people living in close quarters (like members of the military)
  • people with HIV or AIDS
Adults 65 and up, including the elderly, are more likely to have chronic illness or compromised immune systems and tend to be more susceptible to infections like pneumonia. On the other hand, children tend to be more likely to have an immune over-response to flu strains they haven’t been exposed to before.
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............ Adults 65 and up, including the elderly, are more likely to have chronic illness or compromised immune systems and tend to be more susceptible to infections like pneumonia.


I've highlighted the bit that I want to give a "heads-up" about!

My wife and I have only just discovered that ALL people over SIXTY-FIVE years of age are ELIGIBLE under the NHS for free immunisation from PNEUMONIA!

According to our local nurse, the jab (which we have both taken advantage of) gives you immunity from 24 different strains of the pneumococcal virus.
