piddledribble said:'Twas only a plastic coat hanger.....but it certainly stirred em up !
you got 'em hooked :lol: :lol: :lol:
sorry, I'll get my coat :whistle: :hat:
piddledribble said:'Twas only a plastic coat hanger.....but it certainly stirred em up !
Awolphotography said:That's not correct now is it? He stated that wort did not need to be aeratedandyhull said:Where does Mark say in his post that he couldn't dream of improving his beers?
All he stated was that he hasn't had a crap brew in 3 years and that he hasn't had to stir the wort to acieve it!!!
Glad you took that post in the spirit it was intend
Mark1964 said:wort gets plenty of oxygenation just being put into the fermenter no need for fancy stirring devices.
And why not! :thumb:'Twas only a plastic coat hanger