23 l PET carboy suppliers?

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sounds like a good reason to switch to plastic.. pet is a pita tho as you cant use boiling water without shrinking and deforming it, check out the 4" neck 30l wine fermentors ;)
19l office water cooler bottles work for me.
Avoid the ones with a big handle built into the side if you can.
what happened? I've still not used mine yet, its too heavy and I'm scared of dropping it. I've set up a hinged bench in me garage, so I can rack into it for clearing and it will never need to be moved except for cleaning (when it's empty) so will try on the next 23L kit I try

I use the youngs wide neck fermenter, ���£14 reduced to ��£7 in that big tesco sale a while back.. - seal is garbage and you have to use vaseline on the rubber and threads, and then you can;t get the bloody stuff off to clean it :doh:

It's also so thick, you can't see through it when racking so have to peer through the top
what happened? I've still not used mine yet, its too heavy and I'm scared of dropping it. I've set up a hinged bench in me garage, so I can rack into it for clearing and it will never need to be moved except for cleaning (when it's empty) so will try on the next 23L kit I try

I use the youngs wide neck fermenter, �����£14 reduced to ����£7 in that big tesco sale a while back.. - seal is garbage and you have to use vaseline on the rubber and threads, and then you can;t get the bloody stuff off to clean it :doh:

It's also so thick, you can't see through it when racking so have to peer through the top

Since you asked, totally my fault. I had racked a Beaverdale red from it into a fv to degass etc. Washed it out and, as I normally do, stood it upside down on a towel leaning at an angle in the crook of the kitchen door. Short while later opened the door to go down the garage completely forgetting the dj was there. Yes, a bloody 5 gal glass bottle and I did not 'see it'. It simply toppled on to the patio and smashed. arghhhhhh!!!!!

Well you did ask. :)
The more I look at these and the price I think it would be better to go for something like the Youngs 25l wide neck fvs at a fraction of the price. OK so you cannot see through them.

Anybody know if these take the standard drilled bungs I use in ordinary glass 1 gallon djs?
The more I look at these and the price I think it would be better to go for something like the Youngs 25l wide neck fvs at a fraction of the price. OK so you cannot see through them.

I think that is the whole point if you are not bothered about seeing what is going on just buy a FV it doesn't get much cheaper.

The Youngs FV's are fairly easy to clean, cheap as chips and usable for beer, cider or wine. They're particularly good for beer if like me, you occasionally loose interest for a couple of weeks or months and leave the beer/wine unbottled as unlike a bucket, no nasties can get in.
Since you asked, totally my fault. I had racked a Beaverdale red from it into a fv to degass etc. Washed it out and, as I normally do, stood it upside down on a towel leaning at an angle in the crook of the kitchen door. Short while later opened the door to go down the garage completely forgetting the dj was there. Yes, a bloody 5 gal glass bottle and I did not 'see it'. It simply toppled on to the patio and smashed. arghhhhhh!!!!!

Well you did ask. :)

Nightmare mate :doh:
I have 2 of the Younds fermentors and i really like them. Good quality plastic and they dont scratch. The only downsides for me are makes its harder to top crop and getting the last few litres out can be tricky. Probably need a longer syphon tube and a clip.
I have 2 of the Younds fermentors and i really like them. Good quality plastic and they dont scratch. The only downsides for me are makes its harder to top crop and getting the last few litres out can be tricky. Probably need a longer syphon tube and a clip.

I've just been on the Internet actually looking for a longer syphon tube, the rigid bit but all I can find are the expensive stainless ones

Anyone made their own?

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