12v solar pump

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New Member
Nov 7, 2012
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might sound a silly question but what do you connect a 12v solar pump connections to do you have to buy a transformer as well? :?:
thanks dieseljockey are they expensive to buy ? I have priced a pump on a market site at £21.00 does that sound about right to you.
I control my two with these jobbies from Asda...think they cost about £6 each

thank you all so very much for your responses brilliant.

just one more question I am not electrically minded but where do you connect the two wires from the pump if you go the plug in type do you have to get an adapter to fit the asda one :?:
brownsplit said:
thank you all so very much for your responses brilliant.

just one more question I am not electrically minded but where do you connect the two wires from the pump if you go the plug in type do you have to get an adapter to fit the asda one :?:

Here you go, here's how I did mine: viewtopic.php?f=30&t=33508

You can either strip the socket off the end of the power supply and use a couple of connector blocks (although I wouldn't) or get a DC socket - you will either need a 2.5 or 2.1 mm socket - I got mine from maplins: http://www.maplin.co.uk/screw-terminal- ... ugs-612377

You just need to find out which of the lugs is the "tip", from memory, the red wire went to the tip, which is the centre pin of the socket, you don't even need to solder these, although I bought the solder ones, as they had no screw type in stock when i went.

You need to make sure that you get + of the power supply to red, and - to black, as reversing the polarity shortens the pump life - according to the instructions.
thats brill guyb I can see where its going now a picture tells me a better story cheers guyb I want to see if I can get a cheaper version pension don't go far nowadays :!:
It isn't just a transformer that you need but a power supply. All a transformer does is convert AC voltage. You need other bits to turn it into DC. Unfortunately, a lot of people say transformer when they really mean power supply.
Cononthebarber said:
Before I buy another useless purchase will THIS do the job for the supply?

And THIS as the input socket?

Yes it would do the job, but if I were you, I'd go to Maplin or say ASDA, Tesco and look for a multi-tip DC power supply - it will be CE certified (even though teh ebay one has the sticker, you can't be certain it isn't just that).

Just my opinion, but safe, is better than sorry

You will also need a DC socket at 2.1mm as this is the tip size of the one on ebay - didn't notice you posted the socket.
The reason i suggest the Asda one is because you can vary the voltage between 3v-12v so you can adjust the pumps flow rate.....handy when using with a sparge :thumb:
You could also look here: http://uk.farnell.com/jsp/displayProduc ... ctlistings

Or perhaps even nip along to a charity shop to see if they have any kids toys with a 12v dc power supply - you then have the socket too!

If you have a cordless drill, screwdriver, portable cd player, or similar, check that first.

A dc socket from maplin is about £2

Maplin had a 12v variable power supply at £9.99 in the sale, but it is back up to £19.99 - vvariable voltage so it would drive the motor faster or slower.
I have had to take a basic variable power supply I was using for 1 pump for use else where so I need to buy a new one and i was thinking as I am going to be using 2 pumps in the system can I power them off the same supply? There is very much a shortage of sockets in the brew area.

Would I need a higher rating than 1500 ma? I am using the LED dimmer that works a treat for me in the past so will prob get another one of those rather than a variable supply?


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