I am getting ready to brew my first beer, I'm making it AG and a 1 gallon batch. I have limited space and fancy experimenting, but wasn't sure about brewing small batches. Then during a trip to NYC I came across Brooklyn BrewShop's Beer Making Shop, and it's based on making 1 gallon batches. So that was me sorted! My first brew will be a Chocolate & Maple Porter, but when I started ordering grains, I decided to pick my most favourite recipes and get it all in one go to save on postage - so I ended up with a list of five! I could have picked more, but restrained myself! As the book is American, you will have to convert to Imperial gallons, but that's not a problem. As disgussed in another thread on this forum, scaling down means that you'd have to be pretty accurate to recreate a 5 gallon recipe as a 1 gallon brew, but it sounds like you're about experimenting, and scaling up poses much less of a problem! I'm going to be a bit more fancy when I do my 1 gallon brews than the method described in the Beer Making Book, just because I can!
Once my set-up is done I'll share some pics!
Good luck, let me know how you get on!