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  1. Elindail

    Wild hops and what to do with them...

    Around this time last year I was out and about and came across a mass of wild hop vines in a small woodland area. I picked a load of cones at the time which came to about 50g once dried (but at the time I didn't really have any idea about storage, so they've been sat in a cupboard for ages so...
  2. Elindail

    Help in unusual beer brewing related question

    Yes! Someone who says what I'm thinking when I've had a few :cheers: But yes, that was my train of thought :thumb:. I suppose it'd be possible to heat for a little while to try to evaporate most of the alcohol off and then top back up with water, but unless diluting back up is done REALLY...
  3. Elindail

    Help in unusual beer brewing related question

    Taking out just the alcohol would be pretty tricky as water would be lost too, but maybe you could make up a brew as normal, then over a very low heat, to avoid ruining the beer, take out almost all of the liquid until you're left with a syrup, then make back up with water. Basically, take beer...
  4. Elindail

    my first batch on the go help please.

    Short answer, no. :) Putting tea in adds tannin, which since it's a kit it should already contain everything it needs to make a decent pint! You only need to add tea or powdered tannin if you're making a turbo cider (or some wines or non-kit cider). Happy brewing! :cheers:
  5. Elindail

    Is there a general rule of thumb regarding quantity of fruit

    One that I've done before, to make a gallon. 1.5kg Black, red or whitecurrants 1.75 kg Sugar Pectic enzyme Yeast Nutrient 1 gallon of water -Crush berries in a bucket. -Dissolve sugar in water and cover the berries in the syrup. -Allow to cool to body temp (around 37 c), add pectic enzyme...
  6. Elindail

    Calcium Chloride

    I guess to sum up, If the dihydrate's going cheap, then go for it. Me being the way I am, I'd go for the kilo of lab grade ;) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- A little bit of chemistry formula fun for anyone who may be interested: number of moles...
  7. Elindail

    Calcium Chloride

    Interesting Vossy :hmm: have you got a link so I can have a look about the water loss? If it does, then personally I'd keep the lid on the jar as often as possible, and use a teaspoon and a half of the hexahydrate, maybe a little less but if the lid's kept on, it won't have a chance to lose...
  8. Elindail

    Calcium Chloride

    Just use 1.5 times what you would do if the calculator recommends the dihydrate (e.g if it recommends a teaspoon use one and a half). If it's telling you anhydrous then use twice as much :)
  9. Elindail

    Calcium Chloride

    Looks okay to me :thumb: a kilogram will last you a while too! :lol:
  10. Elindail

    Calcium Chloride

    If you can get food grade calcium chloride (dihydrate or not), I'd use that. Dihydrate just means that for every molecule of CaCl2, there are two water molecules associated with it. If you buy it not as a dihydrate, leaving it out in air it will absorb water to form the dihydrate, or just adding...
  11. Elindail

    air lock.

    Fill with water then leave it on. It's to keep the bugs and dust out so doesn't matter if you take it off for a moment or two but best left on :)
  12. Elindail

    Show us your stash.....

    33 bottles of an extract IPA (8 in the bulmers box) plus 3 small bottles of Young's lager (brewed at uni, was awful at the time but a year and a bit of conditioning in the garage has made it taste ace) 1 gal carrot, 1 gal ribena, 1 gal damson and barley, 2 gal elderflower wine. All ready to...
  13. Elindail

    Tesco 30L coolers

    My thoughts exactly. Get one while they're cheap then squirrel it away until I deem myself ready :D
  14. Elindail

    Tesco 30L coolers

    Just a heads up for anyone who may be looking into making a mash tun on the cheap. Tesco (at least they are at the big one in Loughborough) is selling 30 litre cool boxes for under a tenner (I think they were about £8.99). Bargain considering you'd usually pay 2-3 times as much. :D Now I'm...
  15. Elindail

    Youngs pressure barrel problem!!!

    Stuff some tin foil in the hole then wrap the whole tap in cling film to try and stop the loss and stop oxygen getting in until you can get a new tap?
  16. Elindail

    Youngs pressure barrel problem!!!

    Try opening the tap a little? I've got a couple and they pour best when the tap isn't completely open, maybe you're having the reverse problem; that it's not lined up properly inside when the tap's swung all the way to the closed position, letting a bit of liquid through.
  17. Elindail

    First Imperial Stout Attempt - Thoughts?

    Sounds like a plan to me! I'm not too fussed about losing out on the fermentables, I'm more interested in getting something that tastes good; will attempt steeping the black malt and see where that gets me. :thumb:
  18. Elindail

    First Imperial Stout Attempt - Thoughts?

    Going to try my hand at an imperial stout, I've thrown together the following by combining a few elements of different recipes that I've stumbled across. Partial mash practice before investing in the gear for all grain brews. Any thoughts on how it may turn out / improvements? :D 4.2 kg light...