my first batch on the go help please.

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Active Member
Aug 6, 2012
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righty oh got the kit today :D followed instructions to the tee i put the bucket on a heat matt is this ok ill never get the temp right.put the airlock in the top of the lid with water in it i took the top off the air lock so air can get out. (is this right)i know it is it doesn't say in the instructions. now there is one thing i got with the kit and i don't know what it is can someone help its a plastic hollow tube about 12 inch with a top on it it looks like a air valve of some sort anyone know what it is and how to use it?thanks for any help stewart .ps do i need to add tea?the kit is john bull cider.
yip its a hard plastic tube and a cap like thing on the top with air holes in the top of tube under the cap
onepint said:
i took the top off the air lock so air can get out. (is this right)

It's a dust cap and doesn't actually form a seal. You ought to leave it on but it doesn't really matter, it's very unlikely that anything will go the wrong way through the water in the airlock.
Djtrouble1982 that's it thanks for the link now i know what to do with it lol i owe you a pint will cider do? and ill put the cap on the airlock it bubbling away must be working. thanks for all your help guy's but should i add tea?
Short answer, no. :) Putting tea in adds tannin, which since it's a kit it should already contain everything it needs to make a decent pint! You only need to add tea or powdered tannin if you're making a turbo cider (or some wines or non-kit cider). Happy brewing! :cheers:
the tube with the cap sounds like it could be a syphon tube. They often have a cap on the end so that when you put them into the bottom of the DJ they won't suck up any of the crud sitting on the bottom.