First Imperial Stout Attempt - Thoughts?

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New Member
Jul 6, 2012
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Going to try my hand at an imperial stout, I've thrown together the following by combining a few elements of different recipes that I've stumbled across. Partial mash practice before investing in the gear for all grain brews. Any thoughts on how it may turn out / improvements? :D

4.2 kg light DME
1.6kg pale malt (2-row)
600g Roasted barley
450g Black patent malt
450g Chocolate malt
450g Wheat malt

32g Cascade (7.8%) - 60 min
10g Chinook (11.4%) - 25 min
30g Cascade - 20 min
20g Cascade - 2 min
10g Chinook - 2 min
Whirlfloc - 10 min

S-04 yeast
I think you may need more pale to convert all of the speciality malts you have, I go 50/50 at the least. You could consider just steeping the black malt if you don't mind missing out on the fermentables.
Sounds like a plan to me! I'm not too fussed about losing out on the fermentables, I'm more interested in getting something that tastes good; will attempt steeping the black malt and see where that gets me. :thumb:

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