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  1. M


    sweet, thanks! pretty sure that did not come up when I typed "pump" into search :oops:
  2. M


    Finally getting some space to set up a 3 teir system in our new shed :D but have been busy looking for a pump which would help recirculate the mash and double up as a pump to help push the boiled wort through a plate chiller at the end. Had a cheapy plastic drill pump but this was almost...
  3. M

    filtration and flocculation

    cheers for that, even more to think about now! might have to give some of the other fining agents a go.
  4. M

    filtration and flocculation

    hi everyone. I have been thinking about experimenting with filtration for my next batch but dont want to give up on bottle conditioning. Thought the easiest way of doing this would then to be to add a new batch of yeast to the priming solution after filtering. I suppose this then opens up a...
  5. M

    Turret Reservoir

    Got a recent water profile for Crieff; took a long time for me to get it from Scottish Water but they were very helpful in the end. Sodium - 2.5 mg/l Chloride - 3.2 mg/l Sulphate - 11.9 m g/l Magnesium - ?? Calcium - 21.2 mg/l CaCO3 - 53 mg/l Hardness in English degrees 3.7 No Magnesium result...
  6. M

    first AG own recipe

    finally ready. Quite happy with the result - get a slight whiff of what I think is DMS on the first sip but not persistent. Pretty strong also - can only have 2 before feeling the effects (and the headache the next morining). Nice bitterness but not particularly crisp, ?too many residual...
  7. M

    first AG own recipe

    looks like I will be building some new equipment then!
  8. M

    first AG own recipe

    Just siphoned this from the primary to the secondary FV. Thought I should post to see what people thought. Big fan of IPA so put together a recipe based round this. Also a big fan of American hops - so got an American India Pale Ale :drink: pale malt - 6kg munich malt - 0.25kg crystal 60 -...
  9. M

    heating stuff fast

    Had a major brew day yesterday - got two AG in one session. Now have a nice strong IPA (my own recipe!) and a 70 shilling in the cupboard! Only thing is spent most of the time waiting for things to heat up/boil. Have a giant aluminium pot that sits over 4 gas burners on the hob (all of which...
  10. M

    1st AG

    The beer was clear before going in the fridge, only developed a haze when cold and cleared up again when warmed. I had added irish moss to the boil and used a wort chiller with a good cold break (whole volume cooled within 10 mins of turning off the heat). Anything else I can do to minimise...
  11. M

    1st AG

    Managed to bottle the brew up a couple of weeks back, added some isinglass (1/2 tsp dry reconsituted in 250 ml water) to the bottling bucket with the priming sugar and gave half an hour to settle. Those fish guts work good! Trialled one last night. There is still a bit of chill haze but the...
  12. M

    1st AG

    Cheers for all the support guys :cheers: , plenty of things to think about for next time. Was going to post some pictures of the process but forgot to put the memory stick in the camera. So was taking lots of lovely photos and storing them no where :oops: Anyway, the bubbling has settled...
  13. M

    1st AG

    Have spent the last month wandering around plumbing supply stores and the like trying to finds bits that fit together for a mash tun manifold and a counterflow cooler. Much drilling, hammering and swearing later we have : 32 litre square beverage cooler mash tun with square copper manifold :)...
  14. M

    Counterflow chiller - Hosepipe problems

    cheers for that, will ahve to give the cooking oil a shot, failing that managed to source some 5/8" tubing which should do the job nicely :)
  15. M

    Counterflow chiller - Hosepipe problems

    I have a problem with my hose, it just isn't thick enough :oops: making a counterflow chiller as per RonBlog and have 12.5mm ID hose with 10mm OD microbore copper pipe, spent the last hour trying to thread these together and didn't manage even with hot water and washing up liquid. He suggests...
  16. M

    How long until my beer is ready?

    Been in the bottles for a couple of weeks now. Drinkable at last!! Still haven't got the hang of pouring it from the bottle. Was crystal clear until I got my hands on it! Certainly wouldn't pass the Feck Test :cry: Anyway, it is still slightly sweet so will probably wait another few weeks...
  17. M

    Amber ale (3rd brew)

    My yeast are still happily munching away. My last two brews were in buckets so couldn't see what was going on. This time with the glass I can keep a closer eye on the little beasties at work (like sea monkeys only better) and have noticed something a bit strange. The krausen rises to the neck...
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    Amber ale (3rd brew)

    But I am having to drink so much shop bought to get the bottles I need at the moment! Life can be so unfair :D
  19. M

    Amber ale (3rd brew)

    Nope I had spotted the ol' US and UK gallon problem and reduced the brew volume accordingly (19.3 litres). I am starting to think that the wort left behind when leaving the trub and hops accounts for some of the lost gravity points as I have been diluting up to the full recipe volume. Anyway...
  20. M

    Amber ale (3rd brew)

    Cheers, didn't ever think to check the calibration! Seems to be calibrated OK though, reads 1.002 in water at 15 degrees. Might try a different meter next time. Things are bubbling away steadily now, that sound makes me happy :cheers: