first AG own recipe

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Active Member
Mar 27, 2009
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Just siphoned this from the primary to the secondary FV. Thought I should post to see what people thought. Big fan of IPA so put together a recipe based round this. Also a big fan of American hops - so got an American India Pale Ale :drink:

pale malt - 6kg
munich malt - 0.25kg
crystal 60 - 0.50kg
amber malt - 0.75kg
(largely what I had left over from previous batches!!)

60 minute mash at 68 degs - batch sparge 3 equal run offs of 9 litres each

Cascade - 24g - FWH
Northern brewer - 24g @ 60 mins
centennial - 24g @ 30 mins
cascade - 12g - dry hopping

Irish moss - 1 tablespoon @ 10 mins

OG - 22 litres at 1.066 (aimed for 1.071) - efficiency was about 65% (not sure how to improve this, would be nice to get higher than 70% :D - using pre-crushed grain and a cool box mash tun - batch sparging)

Safeale S05 - 1 sachet

22 litres in primary for 10 days at 17 degrees - was a bit concerned that the variable temp under the stairs or the highish OG would cause probs. Seems like I was overly worried about nothing, moved to secondary today with dry hopping and now gravity is 1.010 - going to be a strong one - could taste the cascade/centennial coming through on the sample I took off. Think this is going to be a good one!
Hoppy - but looks bang on for a pretty serious but drinkable IPA - nice! Sounds like a strong fermentation too :thumb:
Looks lovely, fly sparging will get you to 75% bhe :thumb:
commsbiff said:
would a 90 minute mash, as opposed to 60 minute, provide a higher efficiency?
Not really, after one hour mash the starch will have been converted to sugars (with well modified British malt it'll be converted in 30 to 45 minutes) a longer mash will alter the ratio of sugars (thinner beer)
Two things in my experience improve efficiency, correct mash pH and a slow controlled sparge :thumb:
Looks like a nice brew :thumb:
Batch spraging should get you 75%, that's my normal efficiency. Obvious question did you stir the mash properly on the top up and second batch additions?
I have been known to victim to lazy elbow :lol:
finally ready. Quite happy with the result - get a slight whiff of what I think is DMS on the first sip but not persistent. Pretty strong also - can only have 2 before feeling the effects (and the headache the next morining). Nice bitterness but not particularly crisp, ?too many residual sugars/water composition probs. Think I might have to get a water analysis done for Crieff, have struggled in all my brews to get a refined hop flavour. Need more practice!

Just got an AG Vienna lager into the primary FV, my first multi-infusion schedule and tried continuous sparging (using a mug!). Seems to have worked well and much better extraction. Will try to post my brewday antics if I get a second
too many residual sugars
That's likely to be due to the high mash temp. The lower the mash temp (65-66) the more fermentable sugars are produced, 67 deg+ produces more complex sugars which the yeast find harder to break down. Typical IPA's are mashed at 65 - 66 deg, historical IPA's 66 deg c, may be worth lowering the mash temp for the next APA/IPA :thumb:

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