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  1. E

    Some questions about the Wyeast Pilsen smack pack

    Give it another day then. Where did you buy it? Maybe give them a call?. I agree that they should sell yeast that is over 6 months old. I for one will be more careful in future when buying liquid yeast. Not sure if that what that means.:-?
  2. E

    Some questions about the Wyeast Pilsen smack pack

    Those two are still lagering and i haven't tasted them yet. If the yeast was manufactured last November then it would only have a viability of about 10-15%. So from a possible cell count of 100 billion you are down to 10-15 billion cells which is way below pitching rate for a lager. I reckon...
  3. E

    Some questions about the Wyeast Pilsen smack pack

    It might not make much of a difference either way. What was the packaging date on the yeast? I pitched one of those smack packs of Pilsner yeast into 2 x 5L of wort for a temp experiment I was doing with lager yeast. One was set fermenting at 20c and the other was at 10c. Both of them took...
  4. E

    Bypassing a fridges built in thermostat?

    Tim, many thanks for the reply. You may have just saved my Fermenting fridge! I did get the fridge down to 0C on its own anyway, it just took a good few days to get down to that temp but is pretty constant now. It is fluctuating between -0.3C and +0.3C which is grand for Lagering. Thanks again.
  5. E

    Bypassing a fridges built in thermostat?

    Thanks for the help guys. Image below.
  6. E

    Bypassing a fridges built in thermostat?

    My fermenting Fridge is in a wooden shed and the outside temp has quite an effect on how cold I can get the temp within the fridge. I have been able to achieve around 0.4C over the winter period but I am trying to lager a Bock at the moment and the temp will not drop below 3C!. I was thinking...
  7. E

    Water for Pilsner

    Thanks again. Simpler than I thought. 8-)
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    Water for Pilsner

    I have test kits for total alkalinity and Calcium content. I have now used these tests to treat my water. It does add another level of interest to brewing and I am now thinking of looking at the other Ions but I cannot find tests for Sulphate level and Chloride Level. Does anybody know if kits...
  9. E

    Water for Pilsner

    Thanks Aleman, I will just use Campden and CRS for now as I don't have the test kits for Sulphate level and Chloride level.
  10. E

    Water for Pilsner

    All, I have always used 5.2 powder before but I am planning on treating my water this time instead. I am making a Lager using the Budvar yeast. As this is a Pilsner I will need make sure the water is soft enough. I have tested my water. The water has a total alkalinity of 165 mg/l CaCO3 and...
  11. E

    Erlenmeyer flask on Ceramic Hob

    Cheers, Yes it is made out of borosilicate glass. I am using a electric ceramic hob though not gas. I have seen these on Bunsen burners(naked flame). I was just concerned the the Cremaic hop may be different?
  12. E

    Erlenmeyer flask on Ceramic Hob

    I have an Erlenmeyer flask that I have used once before for a starter. When I made the starter, I boiled and cooled the extract in a saucepan and then dumped it in the flask before pitching the yeast. I was going to boil the wort directly in the flask but was afraid that it would crack the...
  13. E

    Recipe Request:AG,Blond Ale, Bitter & Twisted Clone

    I love Harviestoun Bitter & Twisted and have wanted to try replicate it for myself. I have only switched to All Grain the last two brews and I am interested in using adjuncts to see the difference they make to my beers. This recipe uses both Flaked barley and Torrified wheat which I have never...
  14. E

    First Lager

    Cheers for the advice. I made the starter of 1600ml. Pitched it to wort at 20 C. There was no visible fermentation after 12hr but when I came home from work it had a frothy head of Krausen. I am afraid now that it has fermented to long at 20C ??? :( . I have now put it in my fridge and...
  15. E

    First Lager

    I have my temperature control system up and running and am planning to brew a lager this weekend. I have never brewed using lager yeast before and have a few questions regarding the best process. 1. Should I make a starter? I know the various arguments for and against with ale yeasts but is it...