First Lager

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New Member
Nov 24, 2008
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I have my temperature control system up and running and am planning to brew a lager this weekend. I have never brewed using lager yeast before and have a few questions regarding the best process.

1. Should I make a starter? I know the various arguments for and against with ale yeasts but is it different for Lagers? The yeast Vial (WLP800 Pilsner Lager Yeast) states to just pitch it with no starter but White labs website states different. :wha: It recommends making a starter for lager beer of 4 pints.

2. Should I pitch the yeast at room temp and then bring it down to fermentation temp or should I chill the yeast and the wort down first to the temp that I am planning to ferment at and then pitch.

Any input welcome.
Hi, definitely make a starter :thumb: Those vial are only pitchable into 5 US(not Imperial) gallons when they are fresh, a journey over the Atlantic and dubious storage reduces the viable yeast count massively :(
Pitch warm allow fermentation to begin and then cool :thumb:

Good luck :)
Cheers for the advice.
I made the starter of 1600ml. Pitched it to wort at 20 C.

There was no visible fermentation after 12hr but when I came home from work it had a frothy head of Krausen. I am afraid now that it has fermented to long at 20C ??? :( . I have now put it in my fridge and controlled the temp at 13C. Was this too long to leave it at that heat? Will this produce off flavors in the Lager?

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