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  1. D

    Advice on solenoid valves and PIDs

    The mark/space is the same as the on and off times. 100% mark = continuously on, 100% space = off. 50% mark/space gives equal on and off times. 33% is on for a third of the time. The repetition rate is the frequency at which this happens, called "control period" on the PID instructions. The...
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    Advice on solenoid valves and PIDs

    Unclepumple - you are still misunderstanding the principle!! RIMS & HERMS, both of which I do, on different setups, require the addition of heat in the return loop. e.g. For a step mash - which I sometimes do, you start with the liquor/wort at say 50C. You pass some of the return flow through...
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    Advice on solenoid valves and PIDs

    I think it has to be said that Pjbiker has come up with a novel (to home brewing at least) and potentially very useful idea which some of us might use in the future. Given that the HLT will almost definitely be on, full enough and at say 78-82C ready for sparge, there is no need for a separate...
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    Advice on solenoid valves and PIDs

    BB - electronics and associated control systems were in my line of work. Aleman and others - I think you are missing the point. You do not need to change the temperature of the HLT to control the system. Please note my earlier point that the actual temperature of the HLT is relatively...
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    Advice on solenoid valves and PIDs

    It makes perfectly good sense to me to use the HTL as the heat source, it does not even have to be accurate or constant because the PID feedback loop will compensate. If you use one of your PIDs with a SSR to control the HLT temperature that will be fine (actually overkill as you only need a...
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    Advice on solenoid valves and PIDs

    With 12v it is a doddle - you need a resistor, a transistor and a diode. Alternatively you could use a 12v relay with no/nc contacts. Can you do this yourself, or do you know anyone who can? You will need to know the way the PID is capable of driving the solenoids e.g. open collector/drain...
  7. D

    Comark 9003 thermometer.

    This should be +/- 0.3C: ... 5641ce448b (You would need to check it against a known good one though!) Otherwise look out for another Hanna on eBay, here are some new details and prices: ... &x=23&y=15 Better still...
  8. D

    Your Payroll department . . . .

    Sean - £20 cheaper at eBuyer, even less at Pix and the brownie points should last a few months! :lol:
  9. D

    Comark 9003 thermometer.

    As long as it works, it is as good as its calibration. Thermocouples and their meters are not inherently accurate and the combination needs to be calibrated as a pair if you want to trust them for mash temperature accuracy. This gives some ideas: You will...
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    Raw ingredients or tinny??

    Welcome Chassyp and congratulations to Aleman for the longest single unpunctuated sentence in the forum! (this has to be from a hand-held or similar as Aleman's command of English is usually impeccable.. :lol: ) Chassyp - your situation is almost identical to my own (but no kids! :D ). If you...
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    Was it my imagination!

    I always First Wort Hop, although I did not know that I was doing it for many brews! - It just seemed like the natural thing to do, bittering hops and a bit of gypsum into the empty boiler, then first batch sparge. It is usually just boiling before the second sparge goes in. The only times I...
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    Home Brew Shops in London?

    Carriage is expensive, but so is travelling... ... 7913f3ca19
  13. D

    does 2 go into 1?

    It will certainly be a long day, but I have done it quite a few times. Best achieved with a timer on your HLT and out of bed before the sparrow has had a chance to think about farting.... Write yourself a plan. Used to be called "critical path analysis" but probably some unrecognisable yankee...
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    AG#32 New Empire IPA

    Ahatanum - loverly hop! Jaipur, Punk etc - I used it in three brews last year. Yours should be superb! I hope you have got a suitable brew on hand to congratulate yourself on your outdoor activities! :drink:
  15. D

    More expense!

    They do like frolicking in the snow! It makes the little yeasties drop to the bottom nicely.... As for reproduction, I expect that Aleman would agree that they have both sexual and asexual phases. Perhaps if you were to cool one down enough, it might bud? :shock: Once you have more than 2...
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    Mash tun thermometer

    My 70 litre Nordic Thermobox came with a Mashmaster fitted, large hole in the vessel outer and fitted just above the false bottom (self fab.). If it had not had one, I would have fitted either a Dial type or one like Aleman's. I use RIMS (but the setup is permanent, so very small chance of...
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    More expense!

    There might be a self limiting number. I managed to have all twenty of mine full at the same time, well 19 plus one on tap. Although I thought I might need some more during summer, I seem to have reached steady-state at last! I should add that five are long term maturation, one will not be...
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    Sounds similar! They seem a very friendly lot here - I am just finding my feet..... Welcome from another newcomer :grin:
  19. D

    Greene king abbot ale, new to brewing!

    And I have just realised what a load of rubbish I have just written! I re-read your question and see that you are looking for a kit. I very much doubt if there is anything like the new or old Abbot. Perhaps you should get a few kits under your belt and maybe start adjusting some with extra...
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    Greene king abbot ale, new to brewing!

    As a serious drinker of Abbot in the 1970's I would like to second Dennisking's words. There is no comparison with today's lower gravity offering. If I remember rightly, it was closer to 6.5% and a very much sweeter, thicker, malty beer. Indeed, it got quite sickly after 5 or 6. I made...