The Fullers strain is an absolutely excellent yeast.
I wonder if you had very few viable yeast, and ended up straining them extremely, despite having a starter.
Personally, I'd never risk using questionable yeast. It just isn't worth it.
Everything except for the chocolate malt. The pilsener will work well with the Maris Otter.
Chinook is good for bittering. The rest are all good for flavour and aroma, but be careful not to dominate with Nelson Sauvin.
Pilsener should work well with the Maris Otter. I use extra light Maris Otter in my BIPA, so you will be approaching something similar by mixing in some Pilsener malt.
For beer kits, you want to use a close to distiller water as possible, as the brewers who make the kits have already treated the water they used to make it.
Soft tap water is absolutely fine. Otherwise use bottled water as suggested.
Are you viewing on a PC? Should be a "View Full Size Link".
The text is quite small, but it's as good as my iPhone gets.
It depends on what yeast you are using, but most British ale yeasts will work between around 17-20c.
The temperature of the wort when you pitch is important. I use a k-type thermocouple to measure this. Very cheap.
An ambient temp of 10c or so is probably too low unless you use something...
I like how you've added Munich. Is the aim to get things a bit biscuity/malty?
The amount of crystal doesn't sound unreasonable to me. I'd try and go for that WLP002 / Wyeast 1968. It's great, and would suit this brew.