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  1. T


    My new shiny Merkur HD has arrived, plus I got some shaving cream, a bowl aftershave and very sharp razor blades :-D
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    For the first time.

    I'm gonna get in before Moley :lol: It's Mussels :grin:
  3. T

    THBF Snow Watch!

    This is how it is in not so sunny Redditch About 10" :(
  4. T

    The best curry recipe I have ever tasted...

    That's just crying out for a decent rice recipe :hmm:
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    What do you have for breakfast on Christmas Day?

    Cooked these today. A slice of the pie on the right will be for brekky on the morning of the 25th :D The pie on the left is going to a party on Saturday :thumb:
  6. T


    I was shaving with a Fusion and I can honestly say that 24 hours after shaving with my safety razor my face is as smooth as 20 minutes after shaving with the Fusion. You do have to take more time over the shave but it's worth it :thumb:
  7. T

    Barnsley Brewers Brewing at a Micro...

    That's brilliant BB :thumb:
  8. T


    Mark thanks for starting this thread :D I started shaving with a double safety razor, then moved onto disposables, then electric then the multiblade cartridges. I have been suffering with in growers for a while too :( so after reading this thread and doing a bit more research I thought I'd...
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    AG Brewing from scratch

    Clean In Place :thumb:
  10. T


    Yes just put it in a large saucepan on the stove and reduce it down :thumb: I reduced 2 litres to about 750ml iirc :wha:
  11. T

    Yeast Attenuation Safale S04

    Certain adjuncts like sugar and honey will ferment completely leaving no residual sugars to raise the gravity unlike if you have an all malt brew ;) This is what I think has happened to your beer, the honey has completely fermented raising the abv but lowering the gravity :thumb:
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    What do you have for breakfast on Christmas Day?

    A slab of home made pork pie with picallili washed down with bucks fizz :-)
  13. T

    Android W7 or IPHONE which one

    I have a Sony Erricson X10, does everything I need and more :-D
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    Iirc it was a 40l batch :-)
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    I have used 2l of the very high gravity first runnings from the mash tun with good results :thumb:
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    Brewday 04/12/10 Von Koine Chain Ale

    Here's the rest of the brew day The 15 minute hop addition and the glucose First runnings into the FV, amazingly pale :D I think I made a mistake weighing the grain as I ended up with 43L at SG 1.048 :wha: Yeast pitched Trub It smells amazing :party:
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    Brewday 04/12/10 Von Koine Chain Ale

    Cheers Wez :thumb: Thirsty work this brewing lark, best have a beer in my new glass :D
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    Brewday 04/12/10 Von Koine Chain Ale

    Hoping for a lovely citrusy easy drinking pale ale :thumb: Von Koine Chain Ale 40L 80% efficiency 30 IBU OG 1.040 3.9% abv 5.5kg Lager malt 400g Cara pils 250g Vienna malt 250g Wheat malt 500g glucose 42g Chinook Pellets 11% aa(Thanks Mark :D ) 90 minute boil 40g Chinook pellets 11% last...
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    Blueberry Wheat 19/11/10

    I did indeed taste it :thumb: Unfortunately it was at 4°C so it didn't taste of much :(
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    Blueberry Wheat 19/11/10

    The sg of this is down to 1.010 now so it has been transferred to secondary and a further 400g of mashed up blueberries added :D Here's what was left behind in the primary fv And here it is waiting for me to deal with it later ;)