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  1. Snrub

    Dispensing concentrated starsan/chemsan

    Hold up - people MEASURE the amounts rather than rough eyeball guessing?! Mind blown! :)
  2. Snrub

    Why do we even bother with brown beer bottles?

    Way I see it, we put so much effort (and expense) into brew day, controlling fermentation, then bottling - why would you take the risk of degrading that beer? There's enough research to say light = bad for beer, that it makes sense to avoid it as far as possible right? I happen to have a shed...
  3. Snrub

    My funky dregs experiment

    I love this. Thought never occurred to me. Happening next brew, cheers!
  4. Snrub

    Forgot The Kettle Finings.

    I forget my finings more often than I remember them. It means more sediment makes it from the kettle to the fermenter, but as others say time heals most ills. I don't have the facility to cold crash at the mo but that's more effective for clearing than any kettle addition in my opinion. I think...
  5. Snrub

    Classic Band Aid/Medicinal Problem

    Interesting re: oxi clean, I've been using that for around 6 months and never been totally convinced. I can never seem to get rid of the residue from bottles no matter how many times I rinse. However, that wasn't the cause of the latest bad batch - it tasted awful straight out of the fermentor...
  6. Snrub

    Classic Band Aid/Medicinal Problem

    I do, but I don't cool in the kettle so the wort is boiling when it passes through the valve. I clean it every few brews sio relatively confident that's not the issue.
  7. Snrub

    Classic Band Aid/Medicinal Problem

    Just by way of update... I cleaned all of my equipment, and I mean every single last tiny bit, with a bleach solution, rinsed like mad, and set it all aside. I made a boo-boo because that included my stainless steel mash tun and brew kettle. I read after that those shouldn't be cleaned with...
  8. Snrub

    Classic Band Aid/Medicinal Problem

    Wow, they have perfumed bleach? I always thought bleach just smelled like bleach!
  9. Snrub

    Classic Band Aid/Medicinal Problem

    Although my setup is down a flight of stairs from the house to the garage, I take water straight from the tap and carry it down in a sanitised FV. Day after brewing, I can barely move I'm that stiff with pain! Sounds like I need to buy a few bottles of Domestos this week. Nice one, cheers.
  10. Snrub

    Classic Band Aid/Medicinal Problem

    @strange-steve or anyone else with an insight - is there a recommended concentration for the bleach clean? Should I scrub with a bleach solution, soak the FV's, or both?
  11. Snrub

    Classic Band Aid/Medicinal Problem

    @The-Engineer-That-Brews - it's an interesting thought re: the water supply, and I only have a 2 year old water report to go on to estimate with, but I'd have thought it'd be a huge change to make such a big effect. Maybe I'm underestimating the impact of water treatment, but I always consider...
  12. Snrub

    Classic Band Aid/Medicinal Problem

    @Richard_H - there's little to be gained from tasting 6 days into a fermentation and not much here to suggest you have the same problem. Especially with an Abbey yeast, which will produce all sorts at different stages of fermentation. If the taste improved perceptibly from day 3 to 5 then I'll...
  13. Snrub

    Classic Band Aid/Medicinal Problem

    Thanks so much for the replies - plenty of food for thought! First to answer specific questions asked: @samale - cooling is via an immersion chiller, but not all of the affected batches were chilled this way, some were left to cool ambiently. @BeerCat - I don't control temp, but have an area...
  14. Snrub

    Classic Band Aid/Medicinal Problem

    Hi All AG brewer for nearly 3 years now, with a new problem I'd like some opinions on please? In around my 3rd month of brewing I had a batch of Kolsch which on opening, was disgusting. I actually still have it cos I can't bring myself to chuck it, but it's still disgusting. It tastes...
  15. Snrub


    Wow, 4.5 volumes is high! I've always found priming to 3 to be more than ample for a 'foamy' beer - you might find that to be a b it excessive, and certainly explains why you're adding 200g priming sugar. My general rule is 130g for a batch - taken from Palmer's 'how to brew' I generally find...
  16. Snrub

    Secret Santa Beer Swap 2019!

    Received and sent mine, cheers
  17. Snrub

    Secret Santa Beer Swap 2019!

    Hi @strange-steve - I've just come across this thread due to being a slack git. I'd like to participate, but appreciate I've missed the deadline for you to plan me in. Enjoyed it last year so much though, would you mind sending me the name/addresses of a couple of participants so I can send off...
  18. Snrub

    Anyone else cutting it fine for Xmas brews?

    Haha, I'm brewing a SMASH IPA and a Mango Lassi IPA with the intention of serving on boxing day. It's gonna be tight!
  19. Snrub

    Rhubarb Saison - how much rhubarb?

    Hi folks I'm planning to brew a saison I made successfully last year - in fact at least one forum member got to try it for the Xmas swap and gave good feedback. Here's the recipe I'm going with for a 34L batch: 6kg Pilsner malt 1.8kg Pale Wheat malt 0.9kg Vienna malt 180g Acidulated malt 42g...
  20. Snrub

    Persistent Off Flavour :(

    Just thought I'd post an update to this - I've found the source of my woes! After trying all manner of varients with the water I was devastated to find the problem still there, but by chance it helped solve the problem as the day it came to sampling was a day I attended a party. One of the...