I quite often forget to put my protofloc in at 5mins before the end of the boil.
Mainly because I am rushing or concentrating on getting the cooler sorted, FV rinsed etc.
Doesn't seem to make much difference tbh
Just give it a bit more time somewhere cool and it'll drop clear
Did my first beer in months yesterday, flicking through the forum just now and saw this thread and realised I have just done the same thing. It’s ok, it’s a lager and who wants a clear lager?!
Reassuring to read the posts above though.
I find protafloc etc mostly helps to get the crud to sediment at the kettle bottom better after chilling.
It doesn't do anything in the finished beer that gravity and an extra week won't do.
I forget my finings more often than I remember them. It means more sediment makes it from the kettle to the fermenter, but as others say time heals most ills. I don't have the facility to cold crash at the mo but that's more effective for clearing than any kettle addition in my opinion.
I think I actually prefer my homebrew to come with a bit of haze, it puts the wife off and means I get more for myself.