Junior Member
Just don't try the flavoured stuff.
You might have read before that I thought the same thing until that bit me in the arse. Well, using it as a no-rinse sanitiser anyway. Sometimes thin bleach isn't thin bleach. Shake the bottle and if there are bubbles that don't pop in a few seconds there's some surfactant in it.I actually get the Asda smart price thin bleach, perfect for this sort of thing.
Although my setup is down a flight of stairs from the house to the garage, I take water straight from the tap and carry it down in a sanitised FV. Day after brewing, I can barely move I'm that stiff with pain!
Sounds like I need to buy a few bottles of Domestos this week. Nice one, cheers.
You can get potable water hoses - they're blue. I have one connected to the kitchen tap on brew day so I can pull cold water for brewing with and hot water for cleaning at the end of the day.
Good luck with this! No way your rinsing with a hose would cause any problems. It would leave such a tiny amount of water on the kit.
One question I wanted to ask - do you have a ball valve/tap you use to transfer from kettle to fermenter (or out of the fermenter later on)? They are notorious for hiding nasties, but can be taken apart to clean properly.
I had this exact problem at the start of my brewing odyssey. I first thought it was the water so switched to bottled water but it kept happening.
Eventually I narrowed it down to not rinsing the oxy clean from my bottles properly on bottling day.
Now that was sorted I hit a new problem, fermenting at too high a temperature. My options were either get a fridge or start using kveik. I went for option 2, just bottled up a batch, will let you know how it turns out!![]()