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  1. Badseed1974

    I prefer homebrew!

    It's either that or too much HB :D
  2. Badseed1974

    I prefer homebrew!

    It seems to me that you're the sensitive soul of the forum going off on one like that for no reason :D
  3. Badseed1974

    Solve this mystery

    Happy to be of service :D
  4. Badseed1974

    Solve this mystery

    I had this with one of mine, turns out it was a hairline crack in the bottle.
  5. Badseed1974

    I prefer homebrew!

    I understand what you're saying, I really do, But I think for the average home brewer to claim his/her beers are better than the best commercial beers available is just a bit silly. I've made some killer beers, I've also made some pretty duff ones, but I know that even my best ones don't...
  6. Badseed1974

    I prefer homebrew!

    If you're brewing better beers than Rochefort 10 and Westvleteren 12 then you're quite possibly the best home brewer in the world :)
  7. Badseed1974

    New Liquid Yeast - Fermentum Mobile - 20% off

    I'd love to try the American Dream or failing that whatever you recommend for an imperial stout. I'd be delighted with either as I have two of your grain kits ready to go :)
  8. Badseed1974

    New Liquid Yeast - Fermentum Mobile - 20% off

    I placed an order for an IPA grain kit last night that I was planning to use with a sachet of safale 05 I have here. Happy to try the American Dream and review it if you fancy chucking one in with my order :whistle: No harm in asking I guess :)
  9. Badseed1974

    I prefer homebrew!

    Try Hemel & Aarde next, it's even better :)
  10. Badseed1974

    I prefer homebrew!

    De Molen IPA's are a bit special as well, as are their Imperial Stouts :)
  11. Badseed1974

    Fermentation Fridge - Wanted

    I stupidly asked the question before testing if my FV even fits in my fridge. Guess what, it doesn't! I've got a fifteen litre that fits though, so that'll do for now. Your story gives me confidence to find a bigger one that fits though :D
  12. Badseed1974

    What did you brew today?

    Just finished up a wheat beer with added juniper berries and lime zest. Just waiting for it to cool before I chuck in some WB-06. It'll either be magnificent or my worst beer yet :D
  13. Badseed1974

    Fermentation Fridge - Wanted

    I've been wondering this myself. Does anyone here just use the glass shelf successfully with a 20 litre batch?
  14. Badseed1974

    Free Inkbirds to test, thanks for your support!

    308/308S would be great thanks!
  15. Badseed1974

    Looking for a quick reply if possible, I'm currently bottling....

    When I used 1 wilkos drop per 500ml the carbonation was barely there, it was enough to ruin what would've been a nice beer. Go with two, you'll thank me later :)
  16. Badseed1974

    Looking for a quick reply if possible, I'm currently bottling....

    I'd use two, the wilko drops don't carbonate as well as the Cooper's ones. One drop will not give you enough carbonation.
  17. Badseed1974

    Help with recipe for 12l chinook smash

    Me too these days, but it's a recipe that served me well when I started AG brewing and it produces a really nice beer :)
  18. Badseed1974

    Help with recipe for 12l chinook smash

    Almost, I brewed this recipe with Amarillo (I've never used Chinook) and it turned out really well. I can't remember exact quantities but I used my remaining Amarillo as a dry hop as well :)
  19. Badseed1974

    Help with recipe for 12l chinook smash

    Chinook SMASH American IPA Recipe Specs ---------------- Batch Size (L): 12.0 Total Grain (kg): 2.500 Total Hops (g): 40.00 Original Gravity (OG): 1.050 (°P): 12.4 Final Gravity (FG): 1.013 (°P): 3.3 Alcohol by Volume (ABV): 4.91 % Colour (SRM)...
  20. Badseed1974

    Commercial IPAs

    �£1.79 if memory serves, and the labels come off fairly easily as well which is a bonus :)