That's a bold statement and if it's true then hats off to you :hat: There are some truly spectacular Belgian beers, Struise pannepot, Rochefort 8 & 10, St Bernardus 12, Westvleteren 8 & 12, Black Albert, Black Damnation, Abbeye des rocs to name only a few.
My Belgian quad won me a gold medal in the NHC competition at the start of the year, I was really happy with it, as was everyone else who tried it. But I compared it to a Rochefort 10 a while ago and there was no comparison. The Rochefort blew it away, hands down, it wasn't even close. I have never tasted a home brew that was anywhere near that quality. If yours is then Badseed is right, your possibly the best home brewer in the world
That being said though, I can understand that home brewing allows us to tailor our beer to our own specific taste which gives it an advantage over commercial beers.
To clarify a bit, I drunk these over the weekend.....
Here's what I found during friday/saturday - testing/tasting
marks out of 20:
sleighed in Belgium 17*
Poperings hommelbier 15
triple stealth 15*
st feuillian bruin 14
st feuillian saison 14
gouden carolus classic 12
bush pech mel 12
* - my beers
So from my perspective i'm brewing better beers than the Belgians! Are my brews better than all Belgian beers? - no
I appreciate symantics can subtly alter what was meant to be said. I just spend a shedful on Belgian beer and in hindsight I needn't have. However, I'm still on the lookout for that undiscovered classic! Just with I'd nor bought multiples of beers I really used to enjoy :-(
Taste is generally subjective, but I can say hand on heart I thought the st. bernadus 12 is less over-rated than the westy 12. I like it more The last rocheforts I had didn't do it for me. I enjoyed mine even more. I think choosing your carb level to suit your own preference has something to do with it to. Now choosing between a bengali or schnieder aventinus or st. bernadus who's to say any one is truly better than the other, it's like comparing apples and pears.
so yes I prefer homebrew, almost all of the time, but I buy commercials to:
a) cover the gaps in my repetoire.
b) top up my bottle stock.
c) cover any HB shortages. e.g Erdinger when my wheat beers stocks are low.
p.s. - happy to swap you a king kong for a quad or other high abv beer :whistle: