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  1. blawford

    Yeast Attenuation?

    Mashed at 62c, which is low, but it is what the recipe says. Mash temperature was consistent throughout. Fermenter is at 19c so should have been fine for when I took the reading.
  2. blawford

    Yeast Attenuation?

    It wasn't a kit brew, bought the ingredients separately following the DIY Dog PDF you can download. Tasted and smelt good when I did the FG reading. Although much body or sweetness to it, which I was expecting having tasted the original, but this is only my 3rd brew, so what do I know. The...
  3. blawford

    Yeast Attenuation?

    On Sunday 5th I brewed 5am Saint from DIY Dog. I measured OG at 1.048 (target was 1.050) and fermentation seemed to start very quickly using Wyeast 1056 (liquid smack pack), big krausen the next day. On Monday of this week (8th day of fermentation) I took a sample before adding the dry...
  4. blawford

    Improving Clarity

    Something interesting I read yesterday on the subject of trub transfer from kettle to fermenter and it's effect on clarity and taste. Conclusion with regard to clarity seemed that more trub in the fermenter...
  5. blawford

    Grainfather options

    Plug in timer? What is this, the 1980's!? :lol: WiFi plug surely? Can just imagine any one of about 10 scenarios where you end up not getting home when you expected and coming home to a house full of steam and water all over the floor using a timer. Edit: Good point about the high power...
  6. blawford

    Father and Daughter brew day

    Have you taken another gravity reading yet? Did mine last night (8 days after it went in the fermenter) and I am at 1.004 which is lower than I was expecting it to be. Not sure whether my hydrometer is off. I have tested it before with tap water and it was a point or two under 1.000 but I put...
  7. blawford

    HLT/Boiler in one

    Yeah, you could do it how you described. When I first started I was thinking the same thing to minimise cost and equipment but I decided against it in the end and it does make life easier having both a HLT and Boiler. I did everything pretty DIY'ish to keep the cost down and I am happy with...
  8. blawford

    Carbonation error help..

    How much sugar did you add to how much liquid? How long did you leave them to carbonate for at what temperature? Is the beer noticeably sweet at this point?
  9. blawford


    There is a thread in the How-To forum here that might help you. How you physically get the beer into bottles really depends on the equipment you have. But I siphon the liquid to another bucket (making sure to avoid any crap in the fermenter) which has a tap and a bottling wand. The bottling...
  10. blawford

    Father and Daughter brew day

    Brewed 5AM Saint on Sunday too. Following the same recipe from DIY dog I over sparged slightly and how have just over 23 litres in the FV at 1.048. If I had kept it to the 20 litres yeild I think I would have overshot on the target gravity too. Looking forward to drinking, smells great in the...
  11. blawford

    All Grain Starter Equipment

    Another brew day yesterday and the first chance to test the new manifold and connections on the wort chiller. On the previous brew I had a stuck sparge (fly sparging) with the bazooka filter that came pre-installed in the mash tun and ended up about 7 points under the target gravity with a...
  12. blawford

    which ingredients do I add & when?

    Not the kit, the grain in the kit. It isn't possible to see from the picture.
  13. blawford

    1st go at the all grain

    There is a checklist here - Even has "make sure the tap is closed" just before filling various things with very hot liquid, definitely recommended!
  14. blawford

    which ingredients do I add & when?

    Is the grain in the kit in lots of different bags or in a single bag? If all in one bag then make sure the bag is very well mixed before you start, they may have put all the base grain in first and then the others on top, if you then tip it out you could end up with a weird divide in the grain...
  15. blawford

    All Grain Starter Equipment

    Manifold is mostly done, definitely took more time than I thought it would punching all the holes before drilling. I went for Dutto's arrangement of holes just to go for something tried and tested. @Dutto, did you manage to "sand" the inside of the pipe at all? I have had a poke around in...
  16. blawford

    All Grain Starter Equipment

    Thanks for the description, lots of stuff I'm not doing that I feel I should be. I will re-read this before my next brew day and try and incorporate some of it. With difficulty and a lot of swearing. Tried a few things (dipping it in boiling water, Vaseline) I eventually put a pair of plyers...
  17. blawford

    All Grain Starter Equipment

    Made a few improvements to my setup last night, at least I hope they will be improvements. Wort chiller was directly connected to about 10m of hose, which made it unwieldy and impossible to drain. I would drain it the best I could, put it down and then find a huge puddle 30 seconds later...
  18. blawford

    Best place for fermenting brew this week

    I have my second brew in the FV in my kitchen, which gets quite cold without heating during the day while I'm at work. Aquarium heater in a storage box with no insulation is keeping it at a steady 20c for a cost of about ��£13 (��£5 box from Wilkos, ��£8...
  19. blawford

    All Grain Starter Equipment

    Just bottled my first batch after leaving it outside for a few days. It was only a small batch but a good entry into things. Good job I have another 20 litres in the fermenter. Thanks for the help all, think I have most of the kit sorted now, a few improvements I want to make but I...
  20. blawford

    Translucent Fermentor?

    I am looking for a couple of new fermentation buckets. I am currently using the fermenter that came with the Coopers starter kit, which looks like this: I have found it useful to be able to see into it so I can tell what is going on, hence the request for something similar. I am...