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  1. BrewWoo

    Tea wine Recipes once uploaded select "copy BB code for forum use" or words to that effect. Paste it in your reply/post and the images will display here.
  2. BrewWoo

    Supermarket Juice Wine How To guide and Recipes.

    It's been a week to the day iirc. How long do they usually take? There's no bubbles coming out of the airlock. Should I give it more nutrients?
  3. BrewWoo

    Splitting the Alcotec48

    It certainly wasn't because I wanted to distill or get a higher abv, although that's always a bonus. It was purely to see if its possible because I don't have a DJ big enough free at the moment to do it all in one go. Guess its just an excuse to buy more equipment!!
  4. BrewWoo

    Supermarket Juice Wine How To guide and Recipes.

    Can someone help me make sense of these hydrometer readings? Not sure what to make of it?
  5. BrewWoo

    Splitting the Alcotec48

    If one was to measure out the contents of an Alcotec48 into X amount and put the shared amount into X amount of smaller DJ's, would it still work the same? For example the contents weighed 20g and you split that into 4x5g's and put 5g in to 4 DJ's?
  6. BrewWoo


    Looks like it'd open a bottle of wine in a pinch!
  7. BrewWoo

    Supermarket Juice Wine How To guide and Recipes.

    Surely if you can leave it in the garage for a week, you've plenty of time to buy/order some Kwik Clear/finings?
  8. BrewWoo

    Supermarket Juice Wine How To guide and Recipes.

    Thanks again for the input. I'll leave it till I'm ready to degas etc then. Cheers :thumb:
  9. BrewWoo

    Supermarket Juice Wine How To guide and Recipes.

    Thanks for the input. Although it looks empty there's close to 4L in the DJ. I was just going to top it up to the neck with water. I'll try and get back home tonight and top it up.
  10. BrewWoo

    Supermarket Juice Wine How To guide and Recipes.

    Just a few questions.. I won't be able to top mine up with water for another couple of days (after the first few days of just the juice/sugar-water) will this be a problem? Also, although the airlock is bubbling away like crazy, it never fizzed/frothed up as in the WOW video on YouTube. Does...
  11. BrewWoo

    Supermarket Juice Wine How To guide and Recipes.

    If that's in reply to me, the water/sugar was allowed to cool. As you said, the water was only boiled to help the sugar dissolve. :thumb:
  12. BrewWoo

    Supermarket Juice Wine How To guide and Recipes.

    Yeah, a tsp of each. When I say the house is cold, is mainly when I'm not at home. As I'm only here (home) for three days out of the week. The rest of the time, the heating only comes on to keep the pipes from freezing. I'll give wrapping it up in a couple of thick beach towels a go though...
  13. BrewWoo

    Supermarket Juice Wine How To guide and Recipes.

    I wanted to give this a go and my DJ was looking all sad and empty, so.. I used 1L of 100% RGJ (175g total sugar) and 1.5L of AJ (145.8g total sugar) added a further 800g sugar boiled in about 400ml of water with the usual extras. It's bubbling along though my house is usually freezing so it...