Splitting the Alcotec48

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Active Member
Feb 2, 2014
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If one was to measure out the contents of an Alcotec48 into X amount and put the shared amount into X amount of smaller DJ's, would it still work the same?

For example the contents weighed 20g and you split that into 4x5g's and put 5g in to 4 DJ's?
Well now, if you had a sachet of wine yeast which was stated to be sufficient to ferment up to 5 gallons, it is usually recommended that you don't try to split that for more than two or three 1 gallon batches.

However, it seems to be accepted wisdom on other forums which deal with subjects which we aren't allowed to discuss here that you can get a cleaner tasting wash if you use less sugar than instructed (5kg max.), only half a pack of yeast, and let it take as long as it needs.

Therefore, you should certainly be able to split a pack for 5x 1 gallon.

If you're trying to push the alcohol level to the maximum then I think the 2-3 rule would apply, and you need to use brewing sugar, and then carbon filtration.
It certainly wasn't because I wanted to distill or get a higher abv, although that's always a bonus. It was purely to see if its possible because I don't have a DJ big enough free at the moment to do it all in one go.

Guess its just an excuse to buy more equipment!!
I know this is a little late, but I thought I'd reply, because I did this.

Easy answer: Yes :)

Literally divide all your ingredients by 5.

I found it a bit easier to be honest, because the liquid activated carbon and TurboKlar are generally packaged for upto 5 litres.

Saying that, my scales was really ****, so I ended up just quartering it. It meant I could fit all the DJs on the shelf, as a 21 litre bucket full of bubbling liquid is a PITA to move around, AND if you are not going to flavour the whole lot when its done, it is easier to store as-is.

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