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  1. G

    Complete set-up for sale.

    I am on a tablet and can't figure out how to edit my ad as sold so I will have to do it here. Thanks, Gary.
  2. G

    Complete set-up for sale.

    Now on eBay with the reserve set at £50.
  3. G

    Complete set-up for sale.

    It is with regret that I am selling my homebrew kit set-up. It consists of; 1 King Keg (top tap) barrel. 1 S30 canister. 1 fermenting bucket with tap. 1 thermometer. 1hydrometer. 1 plastic stirring spoon. 2 heating belts. 72 450ml Grolsch swing lid bottles (boxed). 38 1 pint Youngs amber swing...
  4. G

    Have I ruined my King Keg ?

    I've put some bicarb in boiling water and am leaving for 24hrs. If that fails I will try some VWP.
  5. G

    Have I ruined my King Keg ?

    Thanks for the quick reply. I have just Googled VWP and looked on my lhbs website and they don't sell it (they sell sod-metabisulphate as a sterilizer). Is there something I can get locally (Wilkies,Asda,Boots etc) to do the job without replacing one odour with another?
  6. G

    Have I ruined my King Keg ?

    After emptying my keg I cleaned it out and then put some sodium metabisulphate in with some boilng water to sterilize it. I left it in the garage and forgot to drain it and now 3 months later I have come to use it again. When I opened the lid there was a "sweaty" smell so I emptied it and let...
  7. G

    Possible problem with Coopers European Lager.

    I have an office behind my bedroom and the temp is about 21c. I don't even bother with a hydrometer, I make up 19 lts mixed with 1kg of brewing sugar (20lts total) and leave it for about 10 days until it stops fizzing, then I leave it for another 2 days before I bottle it adding half a tsp of...
  8. G

    Possible problem with Coopers European Lager.

    Thanks for the advice. This is my fourth European and my favourite lager to date (if I can resist temptation and leave it for 3 months to condition). I haven't had the white globules in the others though (about 1/2" in diameter), which is why I was slightly worried. I have just been to have...
  9. G

    Possible problem with Coopers European Lager.

    I have just bottled a batch of lager, cleaned the FV out and made another one straight away. I came back to it next day to have a look and It's bubbling away merrily but there are several white globules floating in the top. Have I ruined the lager or can I fish the globules out or am I worrying...
  10. G

    Good lager kit?

    I too would recommend Coopers. I have brewed a European and really enjoyed it but it took 3 months to become good. I don't know if their other kits take less time but if they don't you will be struggling getting it ready for your mates 50th in June.
  11. G

    My first brew tastes, well watery !

    I too have done a Cooper's lager and It's 9 weeks old now. Like yours it looks very good but the taste is very bland, I would say that it tastes a little like soda water. The kit instructions state that It's best after 12 weeks so I shall see what it tastes like in April.
  12. G

    Perished seal on S30 valve.

    It's the black one on the lid. I split it by overtightening the valve. It is a new keg and when I screwed the canister on it, no co2 came out so I called the shop who told me to screw the canister tighter but it was just turning the valve. The shop then told me that the valve must need...
  13. G

    Perished seal on S30 valve.

    I kegged a batch of Wherry at the weekend and when I came to check it last night I heard a very slight air leak. The lid was tight, I water tested the valve and that was ok. I decided to give it a blast of co2 to see where the leak was and it was the rubber seal between the S30 valve and the...
  14. G

    Head on beer

    I use Asda's 1ltr tonic water bottles when I don't have enough glass ones and find them to be fine. I am in the midst of making my first wine kit and am going to bottle it in the tonic water bottles also. If I like what I have made I will invest in proper bottles, corks, capper etc. If It's not...
  15. G

    Where do you get your bottles?

    You could go to Costco or Makro (if you have a card) and buy a box of 12 x 450ml swing top Grolsch for £18.51 inc VAT. The box even has dividers in it.
  16. G


    Another week has past and I decided not to put any finings in and it is now clear at the top. I have just tasted a glass and to be honest I think it tasted better when it was cloudy, it had a very similar taste to Golden Pippin which is a "blonde ale" made by Copper Dragon Breweries if anyone is...
  17. G


    Thanks, I'm going to my hbs on Monday to buy an s30 canister and while I'm there I will ask for some finings. Will it be ok to open the keg to add finings and if so do I need to add some co2 or will it regain its own pressure?
  18. G


    Thanks for your help. As this is my first attempt I thought I had done something wrong. It looks like I need to be patient and wait for a while longer.
  19. G


    I have followed the instructions to the letter and well over a week ago I put the beer in a keg with a top tap for 3 days in a warm room (25degrees). Last night I decided to see how it was getting on as it has been cooling in the shed for 7 days. Bearing in mind that its drawn from the top of...
  20. G

    My first kit

    Thanks for the help. Am I ok to take a sample from the tap at the bottom of the fermenter or do I need to take it from the top? Regards, Gary.