Good lager kit?

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Stunned Monkey

Active Member
Apr 19, 2011
Reaction score
Hi All,

I'll be attending a 50th birthday party at the end of June and I know the birthday boy's a lager fan. I'd like to show up with a crate of home brew.

I'm limited in how cold I can get my FV - around 16-18 currently although who know what the weather will do in the coming weeks (south east coast)

I'm leaning towards the Muntons Pilsner or the Brupaks Special Lager because they're all malt kits but I'd welcome any other experiences and/or suggestions?

I read one review that said to use a proper lager yeast... which is where my not-so-cold utility room may cause problems (?)

Thanks in advance

Agree with Snail on the Coopers Lager. For a kit, its not a bad brew, reasonably priced, and is much better if brewed with a Saflager yeast.

If you like drinking Grolsh, using the above yeast makes a pretty good copy.
The Coopers Canadian Blonde is a good bet. Best results have been with coopers brew enhancer kit (muntons BE not bad either but ferments/conditions quicker with the coopers). My spare room is warm :24C and the beer turns out really nice. This kit is what I give to non believers to sample home brew !!! Theyre usually quite surprised :thumb:
(I use the yeast supplied)
Cheers guys, I imagine Coopers might know a thing or two about fermenting in a warmer climates!

I'm hoping to end up with something I'd like to drink too so I'd prefer something closer to a Cerveza or Czeck beer (Staropramen is my favourite -went round the brewery on a mate's stag weekend some years before it became mainstram here)

I think I am leaning towards the premium selection heritage lager kit. I would go for the Cerveza but can't wait the 12 weeks' conditioning it apparently needs.
Yep! just drinking a Coopers Canadian Blonde now, it has a stronger taste than normal lager and is darker in colour, I would recommend this kit.

Go for it :thumb:
I too would recommend Coopers. I have brewed a European and really enjoyed it but it took 3 months to become good.
I don't know if their other kits take less time but if they don't you will be struggling getting it ready for your mates 50th in June.
i would go for coopers pilsner, once fermented rack into another fermenter and leave for a week then bottle, i use this method and normally i can drink it after two weeks of being bottled, ok its not at its best buts its ok and just gets better and better,and it clears quicker because you have left most of the rubbish behind when you first rack off, the pilsner is the best lager kit i have done, methinks you might have left it a little late for the 50th but you never know.
Well I kicked off a Canadian Blonde on Sunday afternoon. Today's Tuesday, a mere 48 hours later and it's already down from 1040 to 1026 still puffing like a train :party: