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  1. H


    Thats great do u dilute it? Thats the stuff we had from tesco. Just notice in there homebrew section they have steriliser for £1.98 which is good.
  2. H


    Just a quick question, has anyone used baby sterilising fluid for sterilsing equipment as ive got 2 bottles left over that wont be used again.
  3. H

    ASDA White Grape and Peach Wine

    Thanks for the replies i thought i should just leave it well alone. I might try the peach style WOW when ive got a spare demijon, think im also going to try the WOW itself as not done that yet.
  4. H

    ASDA White Grape and Peach Wine

    Just need some advice, i started fermentation of the peach wine last sunday and it is still bubbling away. The reading on the hydrometer is now at 1020 after 7 days. I have been reading that it shouldnt be lefit on the sediment to long so should i move it to a new demijon or just leave it some...
  5. H

    Rasberry Polish syrup

    Going to start this in the morning and im only going to do 1 demijon just to try it. Sent the misses to get the syrup today also just been given 4 demijons free of charge. ( from a very kind woman).
  6. H

    Flat mexican cerveza

    I done mine in 500ml glass bottles, i have brought them back indoors so will give it a couple of weeks amd test it again.
  7. H

    Flat mexican cerveza

    Thanks, So if i bring these back indoors for a couple of weeks do you think they might come back to life?
  8. H

    Flat mexican cerveza

    I have brewed the above lager and it has been in bottles outside for 3 weeks and i opened a tester bottle this morning and it is flat. Any suggestions on how i can save it and make it fizzy?
  9. H

    Events in cheshire

    Hi all, Does anyone know if there are any events in cheshire throughout this year? Many thanks
  10. H

    HAMBLETONBARD Better Brew Export Lager - WOW!!

    Where did u buy this kit from i fancy giving it a try? Is it just as easy as brewing with any malt syrup kit?
  11. H

    Next lager kit

    Hi dave, Think i will try the heritage lager seems to have some good reviews, what did u brew it with?
  12. H

    Next lager kit

    Please can u advise, I have done 2 lager kits which are the youngs lager and the coopers mexican cerveza, I want something inbetween the 2 but dont have now decided i dont want to try the coopers european lager till the weather warms up as my misses would go mad with the eggy smell. I also...
  13. H

    secondary fv ???

    Right i understand now, im just using lager kits at the moment and will be for the near future. I will just go straight into bottling bucket to prime and then straight into bottles. Think i going to try the european lager next so will see how that goes with the proper lager yeast and low...
  14. H

    secondary fv ???

    So if using a secondry FV is outdated was is the best way? As a newby i dont want to cause oxidisation but i thought you went to a second FV to get rid of alot of the **** before bottling. Is it best to go from primary straight to bottling bucket and batch priming from there? Hope this makes sense.
  15. H


    Whilst on the topic of priming which is best to use? granulated or brewing sugar to bottle prime. Just about to bottle my mexican cerveza.
  16. H

    Rasberry Polish syrup

    Does anyone know how much sugar is best to put in to make it around 5% or if there is a calculator i can use for future
  17. H

    Rasberry Polish syrup

    Thanks Moley, Gonna make 5 gollon of this so should i use 5 times the amount of each item? Not sure about using 2kg of sugar though. Does anyone know how much sugar is in the actual syrup to take into account?
  18. H

    Rasberry Polish syrup

    I have recently done the cheeky vimto which turned out very nice and the misses loved it but want to try something else along these lines. I have seen somewhere on the internet (cant find it again) that you can use this polish rasberry syrup amd make a such rasberryade. I was wondering whether...
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    Lack of gas in my bottles

    Lol great last post, what is the reason for using caster sugar? Instead of brewing or plain granulated?
  20. H

    My First Brew Up - Coopers Mexican Cerveza

    Thanks for the advice Bitter Lover. Going to check it this morning to see if it has started as i dont have an air lock on it yet. Does anyone know what size hole the airlock bungs fit into so i can fit an airlock to my FV for next brew?