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    priming lager

    Bought a 'simply lager' kit and bottling into budweiser bottles what have been sterilised but dont know how much brewing sugar per bottle I need to prime, can people please reply in how much of a teaspoon please ' cant get my head around grams'
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    questions before i brew my first larger kit

    what cost am i looking at for a keg and everything else needed ?
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    questions before i brew my first larger kit

    what about if i racked itr a few times until crystal clear then bottle, add carb drops befor capping ?
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    questions before i brew my first larger kit

    ive read the back on the packet and see that there will be sediment in the bottles when capped, iis there anyway i can bottle without sediment? would carb drops work if there was no sediment?
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    Christmas pudding wine!

    bubbling away strong :D
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    Isinglass (fining agent) - should this be clear or cloudy?

    i use ininglass regularly, its meant to be cloudy, empty the sachet and give it a good whisk and see if you can bring it back, and when isinglass is in liquid form its meant to be kept in the fridge so the cold wouldn't of done it any harm
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    Christmas pudding wine!

    just started this recipe off today, if anyone else tries it please post updates for others who may be interested Listed as Citrus white or golden sweet wine in the Yorkshire Federation Jubilee handbook It won it's class and was best wine in show in 1991 and was class winner in 1992...
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    Strawberry Sparkling Wine

    Yes followed it perfectly, it's like an orangey colour and down to 1.010 ATM so will see what it tasts like in few days
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    Strawberry Sparkling Wine

    I started this a couple of days ago and has been going crazy, one thing that confuses me though is why would it turn yellow? :hmm:
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    stubborn fermentation!

    take 500ml out and put in separate dj, add 100g sugar, flat teaspoon of yeast and flat teaspoon of yeast nutrient and see what happens
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    The best laid plans of mice and men go oft astray!!

    haha, youve got to love love when the partner "tidies up"
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    mines going crazy :) i doubled all the ingredients so i should have 19L at the end :), i used brewing sugar and gervin high alcohol yeaset and will use the full 500ml syrup at the end
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    ive just used this with the alcocoke recipe, sg at 1.055 so should hopefully kick off soon
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    I started this off 4 days ago, only modification I used was using whisky yeast, earlir on today I used alcotec restart super yeast and still nothing, anyone got any idea's?
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    My homebrew idea

    But if the yeast has already been killed off nutrients would restart it
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    My homebrew idea

    2 large bags, not entirely sure what weight
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    My homebrew idea

    Yeast was all killed off, been 30 hours now and it's built no pressure whatsoever :( anyway I can kick start it?
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    My homebrew idea

    It's been about 3 hours now and there's no sign of it reacting :( any ideas?
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    My homebrew idea

    Ingredients 2 big bags of sour skittles 4.5 litres of water 5g cider yeast/sweetener I blended up the 2 bags of sour skittles and added to 4.5 litres of hot water Stirred for 5-10 minutes until they where completely dissolved, waited untill 25c then added the yeast/sweetener Just wondering...