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  1. M

    Faulty Tap on keg

    Hi, I just barrelled a beer yesterday, i pressure tested the keg before i put the beer in it and it seemed OK, but this morning I had a look and its leaking from round the seal, so looks like a new seal is required... I have another barrel and am going to transfer the beer in here tonight, just...
  2. M

    Larger at 18°C?

    And maybe SHUGER.....?
  3. M

    Youngs Dried Active Yeast

    Sorry, can't answer this, but I too bought some 'general' yeast yesterday mainly for some TC im doing and thought it was a good buy as it was so much cheaper, so will be interested to see what people think, although a teaspoon in the gallon i started last night is going crazy at the mo, but...
  4. M

    Storing TC

    LOL thanks Tony, I don't think drinking all the bottle will be a problem :rofl:
  5. M

    Storing TC

    Hi, Got a couple of gallons of TC on the go, was just wondering about storage once they've finished, im going to add sugar so I get a fizzy cider as apposed to a still one, will the plastic lemonade/cola/cider bottles be OK, I know thats what they come in but jest wanted to make sure they were...
  6. M

    Cider Press...

    Thanks guys, don't think i'm going to get time to build a press before the harvest, so looks like another wasted crop.... ah well theres always next year... Just a thought I wonder if brew shops hire them out? doubt it but might be worth a question. Or does anyone near Chesterfield want to...
  7. M

    my new bar

    Looks great, I'm not envious at all ;) I've got a log cabin in the garden I've put a free standing bar in with optics on the wall etc... but need to sort some cornies out now, that would finish it off, and looking at your bar has inspired me.. I'll get some pics up when I've tidied up after...
  8. M

    Cider Press...

    Thanks guys, will have to look at the different plans and see if I can get on built before its time to harvest the apples. Thanks Eric, seems a lot of apples for a gallon, but I suppose they'd only go to waste. Mick.
  9. M

    Cider Press...

    Thanks Mosh sounds good, please mail to [email protected], but do you know how much juice you get? dont want to built it to find you get no juice lol. Thanks, Mick.
  10. M


    Nice one Rick, good luck. You do realise we all have your fingerprints now dont ya... :D
  11. M

    Cider Press...

    Hi, We have a few apple trees in the garden, and then neighbour has six and were thinking af making our own cider as the apples just go to waste... but the price of presses was wondering how much juice you get from apples, is it worth buying a press ? the ones I've seen are £100 + so need to...
  12. M

    Bad brew?

    Thanks guys will leave it for now... se how it goes/tastes :thumb:
  13. M

    Bad brew?

    Hi, I started a geordie kit on Wednesday, all looked OK the first day with a few ( that I saw ) bubbles through the airlock.. This morning I went to check the beer and lifter the lid to get a reading with the hydrometer, and the smell that came off was not a nice smell, it was a cross between...
  14. M

    Newbie from 'just outside' Chesterfield

    Thanks Guys, Brew has started, so lets see.... Yes I used the beer enhancer ( although it took some dissolving as it clumped together alot, is this normal?) And yes used 1/2 campden tablet, although I think I did it wrong as I added it to the brew after I added the 23l to it ( before I added...
  15. M

    Newbie from 'just outside' Chesterfield

    Hi, Just thought I'd introduce myself, I'm Mick, live in a village just outside Chesterfield called Clowne, dabbled at brewing a few years ago, but never got it quite right and gave up... so now trying again ( trying to save a few quid and getting a good pint at the same time ) just going to...