Newbie from 'just outside' Chesterfield

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Active Member
Aug 4, 2010
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Just thought I'd introduce myself, I'm Mick, live in a village just outside Chesterfield called Clowne, dabbled at brewing a few years ago, but never got it quite right and gave up... so now trying again ( trying to save a few quid and getting a good pint at the same time ) just going to start a Geordie kit, was just going to do it how I normally did it, but then read a post that mentioned campden tablets to take the chlorine taste away, never used these before so been out and got a few, maybe that was my problem before..? anyway onlt been on here an hour and already learned something...

So here goes, wish me luck :cheers:

Welcome Mick,

The two can kits seem to be streets ahead of the old kit and kilo ones I remember from my first time brewing. Even the single tin kits sound better especially if you use beer enhancer or spray malt rather than refined sugar.

Good luck with thw first brew.
Welcome to the Forum.
Campden tablets will de-chlorinate your water, 0.5 to 1 per 23 litres.
Thanks Guys, Brew has started, so lets see....

Yes I used the beer enhancer ( although it took some dissolving as it clumped together alot, is this normal?)

And yes used 1/2 campden tablet, although I think I did it wrong as I added it to the brew after I added the 23l to it ( before I added the yeast ), is this OK to do?
