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  1. G

    quick advice on Bock strength

    I was hoping to start a Muntons Bock tonight but am seeking advice on variables before I kick off. The kit is 1.8kg so a bit more than the usual 1.7g kits. Intending to use 500g light spraymalt, a tin of 454g (Holland and Barrett) liquid malt extract and about 300g dextrose, with 23 litres...
  2. G

    Malt extract taste and tone

    Oh dear, have I been shunned? :wha: Can't understand why no has replied. Maybe it cos' I sinned by putting the same query on another forum :twisted: Any thought would be really appreciated :cheers:
  3. G

    Malt extract taste and tone

    I'll be trying a Muntons Connoisseur's Bock Bier for my next brew and wondered how a Munton Spraymalt Dark or Roasted barley would affect the flavour and colour?
  4. G

    carling drinker Home brew ideas needed.

    An addition to the Brewbuddy discussion: Some of you might recall, one of my first posts in January was about how I had two tins of liquid malt in the box and chucked it both in without knowing this wasn't as Young's intended. I also messed up by using plastic stoppers instead of metal caps, all...
  5. G

    Demerara sugar in coopers lager kits

    Dermy, I'm thinking of doing a dark lager beer of sorts so your idea of demerara sugar might be worth trying for this too. Probably a mix with Dark DME. Would be interested to here your results. Gary [email protected]
  6. G

    Messing around with ABV

    Thanks again. That's making sense and it seems I was partly right in my thinking about the affect of sugar and DME, and of course in reducing the amout of water will equal a stronger beer. My aim in my next kit (John Bull Best) is to have a beer that is light enough for weekdays because two 4 -...
  7. G

    Messing around with ABV

    Thanks for replies. 1kg of DME would give good body, flavour and alcohol but my point, and I can see I wasn't clear, was to reduce alcohol content without compromising too much on body and flavour. Gary
  8. G

    Messing around with ABV

    Hello Brewers. Here goes: Replies to this will really help, unlike my last message with only one reply! Just joking (no wonder I don't get replies when I critisize from the off :grin: Brewing sugar increases alcohol and doesn't enhance body or flavour, right? So, when a kit (e.g. John Bull...
  9. G

    Favourite Beer Bottles

    Good question. I like the Bulmers Cider dark brown bottles (1 pint) best, better than the Pear Cider green ones. Also have alot of Shepherd Neame bottles because Lidl sell a batch of 8 for £8. They don't look much and technically not so good cos their clear but then they make storing easier cos...
  10. G

    Coopers Dark Ale tweak

    Like Rob, I'm thinking of a dark ale experiment though unlike Rob, I'm a newbie, just about to embark on my 3rd brew kit so will be keeping things simple. I enjoyed a bottle of Kaiserdom Dark Lager Beer and want to brew something similar. Read good reviews about Coopers Dark Ale and, whilst...
  11. G

    Low alcohol beer?!!!

    Thanx for tips so far. I'm glad you did the maths! So it sounds like a case of adding more water and less dextrose/malt and/or enhancer. I'll experiment and report back though not for some time cos I've already ordered a Coopers Pilsner and Coopers Wheat Beer and want to taste the proper stuff...
  12. G

    Low alcohol beer?!!!

    Many/most beer drinkers would probably recoil at the sacrilege concept of low alcohol beer. I love my beer, lager, real ale and bitter, and enjoy one most nights after work, sometimes two and it's a habit I don't necessarily want to change. However, I'm on meds and finding the mix is giving me a...
  13. G

    Coopers wheat beer

    Hi, I'm awaiting the delivery of a Coopers Wheat Beer kit myself so can't offer any advice at the mo but will be interested to know how you get on. This will also be my 2nd brew. I read somewhere that Wheat Beer is best drunk fresh rather than it getting better the longer it's left. I'll be...
  14. G

    Nearly Newbie still puzzled - Help please

    Eggman, a bottler sounds like a good gizmo - I'll look out for one of those. This Forum has been of great help. Thanks :cheers:
  15. G

    Nearly Newbie still puzzled - Help please

    Thanks for the replies. Yep, I meant a bucket not a barrel. When you say a bottler I'm thinking this is a plastic tube that fits onto the tap and into the bottle? Syphon valve sound a good choice too.
  16. G

    Nearly Newbie still puzzled - Help please

    I'm about to start my 2nd brew of lager. I want to stick with bottling but found syphoning a bit of a handful. So, I've brought another plastic fermenting barrel (this one with a tap) and intended to syphon the whole brew into the 2nd barrel once the hydrometer reading levelled off, batch prime...
  17. G

    plastic re-seals

    Thanx for pointing this out oldbloke, though have since read that this is in relation to negative comments. Don't understand why you think not many member will be a member of the other forum I mentioned. It'll help if you could explain. Cheers
  18. G

    plastic re-seals

    Cheers oldbloke. Suppose I was being tight but will have to invest in a capper to avoid a disappointing end product. I posted this on The Online Homebrew Forum as well and haven't had any replies. Are you a member of both? Just ordered two kits from Online Homebrew - good prices at mo
  19. G

    plastic re-seals

    Thanx for replies. I had taken the cheaper option on someone's recommendation but appreciate the need for caps that work.
  20. G

    plastic re-seals

    Anyone used plastic re-seals instead of metal caps for bottling lager during secondary fermentation? About 10 out of 40 popped off over the first few days of bottling. This might have occurred due to over-carbonation because I mistakenly adding a tsp sugar to each bottle and not half, or could...