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  1. H

    150 litre kettle? Doesn't do a 150L but does a 200L and a 100L.
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    Edinburgh and Lothians Homebrew Gatherings

    Brewstore in Edinburgh runs a homebrew club the second Thursday of every month.
  3. H

    Brewery bulid

    Both, really. I'm looking at doing something similar with my own brewery and it's either an Arduino set up or a few PID controllers.
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    Brewery bulid

    Any chance you could post the design of the arduino controller?
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    Pub guide: Good riddance to 'bad pubs'

    The Good Pub Guide is a joke anyway! Pubs actually have to pay to get put in.
  6. H

    Boiler Great kit at good prices.
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    Stockport Home Brew Colab.

    I have family down there so next time I'm down I'll give you a shout and see if you're brewing. :)
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    I love my cask breather

    I love CAMRA and they've done/do some great work, but it really irks me that their focus is on cask ale and not good ale. For example, today the Glasgow CAMRA Twitter account posted about how a pub now serves Greene King Abbot. Which is pretty much the spawn of the devil. I wish they wouldn't...
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    How To - Register/Get Legal with new MicroBrewery

    That has made my idea of pumping out a couple hundred bottles a week from my garage even more feasible!
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    Anyone bought one of these?

    How much does the Elite system cost?
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    HERMS Brewery Questions

    I work in electronics so a rotating mash paddle and sparge arm won't actually be that much work. Might be an idea for the future after everything else is set up and working. I'm ready to pull the trigger on two 50L stockpots and a 32.5L thermoport from Germany but unfortunately I don't have...
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    The 15th Kingdom of Fife beer festival

    Really wanted to go to this but a train ticket from Stirling is £20! So that'll be £40 for me and my girlfriend before I've even bought a drink. Really can't afford that. :(
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    HERMS Brewery Questions

    Thanks for the help. I really only want the motorised mash paddle because it sounds like it'd be cool to have.
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    I'm 22 and can easily go every pint, maybe more.
  15. H

    HERMS Brewery Questions

    I'm currently in the very early planning stages of a small brewery, either 50L or 100L. My plan is as follows: HLT draining into MT via gravity and a spinning sparge arm. A spinning sparge arm shouldn't be too difficult to do, just a case of a small motor and potentiometer controlling it...
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    AG#1 American Pale Ale

    Did my first all-grain brew yesterday, mini-BIAB on my stove using a 19L pot. Grain bill was 1.93kg Marris Otter, 380g Munich, 187g Caraamber. Hops were all Amarillo, 5.5g for 60, 9g for 20 and 8g for 5. Started off by heating 15L of water to strike temp, approx. 68C. Then slowly added the...
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    Starting BIAB in a sub 20l pot?

    I thought a guide specifically for mini-BIAB would be more useful. :)
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    Starting BIAB in a sub 20l pot?

    This guide is great: ... c628250f83 I'm going to be following this guide when I start doing mini-BIAB soon.
  19. H

    Plastic Barrel Suitable For Boiler?

    Thanks, think I might give them a miss then and keep saving up for a stainless set up. :D
  20. H

    Plastic Barrel Suitable For Boiler?

    So they are suitable? That's good to know, but should I try and blag some free ones rather than paying £30 for three shipped?