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    Big Kenny and Old Tom with pics 8/11/09

    Nice one :cheers: Think I'm gonna have a blast next weekend so I can be drinking Old Tom with My Turkey dinner :rofl:
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    London Pride - - - Too Many Hops?????

    not sure what the AA was as they came from shaunsbrew. I put the all the fuggles and 65 goldings in, and boiled for 1 1/2 hours then the rest of the goldings in for the last 15 mins. i got the recipe from a "Brewing Beers like those you Buy". Think I'll try your recipe next time :cheers:
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    Big Kenny and Old Tom with pics 8/11/09

    Just sat with a bottle of Old Tom and thought i'd have a look see if anyone had made any. i'm a bit of a novice so not sure what you mean in your recipe. What weights did you go with to end up with 23l? :thumb:
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    London Pride - - - Too Many Hops?????

    finally supping my first ag brew and the hop taste is a tad on the strong side. Comparring the recipe i've got to some on here theer seems to ba a lot or Hops Pale malt 3500g crystal malt 250g irish moss 15ml demerara sugar 250g fuggles...
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    I've got a big head!

    I think I know where I went wrong now. :D "Ease and squeeze" didn't enter my head, so I attached the gas bottle, turned it as far as it would go for about 30secs. Just finished off 30 odd pints and didnt have to re-gas once. probably lucky i didnt blow the tap off lol :rofl:
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    I've got a big head!

    Put my first kit into a king keg. Loveley drink but the head when I pour is massive. I've tried only turning the tap a tiny bit and having the glass virtually horizontal but no joy. Where am I going wrong? Just about to rack off my first ag brew and dont want to spoil it. :wha:
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    How strong is my TC?

    100g to 1L seem a place to start?
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    How strong is my TC?

    got my saucepan out already. nice one cheers. :cheers:
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    How strong is my TC?

    Apart from the obvious memory test after trying some how do I know how strong my TC is? How can i make it stronger? I'm looking for some super strong leg wobbler to bring back the teenage memories of special red and thunderbirds on a park bench :twisted:
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    £120- All grain kit ideas

    whats a HLT? seen it mentioned in here a couple of times :wha:
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    My first brew and I've got floaters

    Cheers guys, I'll put it somewhere cool and leave it for a few weeks. :pray:
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    My first brew and I've got floaters

    Cheers for your help. Brupaks Pride of Yorkshire. I used 1/2 tsp glucose in each bottle, but i also added a handful to the orginal mix. ifits till fermenting will is clear once finished and settle? :wha:
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    My first brew and I've got floaters

    been bottled for three days so should be going through second ferment. sg 1012 when bottled it, having started at 1046 it didnt seem to be dropping anymore.
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    My first brew and I've got floaters

    Technology is beating me at the moment!!! Most of them seem to be settling at the bottom, but theere is quite a alot.
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    My first brew and I've got floaters

    My first brew and I've got floaters :evil: Just bottled my first brew and seem to have lots of stuff floatig in the middle. Is this normal or did I do something wrong? Someone suggested dissolving the sugar in warm water before adding. Can i filter it out when i pour?