London Pride - - - Too Many Hops?????

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New Member
Oct 6, 2009
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finally supping my first ag brew and the hop taste is a tad on the strong side.

Comparring the recipe i've got to some on here theer seems to ba a lot or Hops

Pale malt 3500g
crystal malt 250g
irish moss 15ml
demerara sugar 250g
fuggles 30g
goldings 85g split into 3 batches

:wha: :wha:
That is a lot of hops to grain. :shock:

The recipe I have for London Pride(doesn't mean it's the actual recipe just the one I have tried that worked ok-ish)

23L og 1.040 ABV 4.1% 30 EBU

3900g Optic Pale Malt
306g Flaked Maize
130g Crystal

Target 11g 90 min boil
Challenger 11g " " "
Northdown 10g last 15 mins

Wyeast 1968
Compared to my own recipe that does seem heavier on the hops, but I suppose it all depends on your percentages of alpha acids. What was your brew length and how were your Goldings split?

Similar to MEB's recipe I used 12g Pilgrim, 10g Boadicea, 10g Northdown (90 mins) then 10g Goldings (15 mins), 25 litres, OG 1.048

How long has your beer been bottled / kegged? My AG#4 had an unpleasantly bitter edge to it on first tasters but it's been bottled for 4 weeks now and that aftertaste has completely gone. OG was 1.057 so it still needs a bit longer, but will be great by Christmas.
With that amount of hops in a 25L brew it'll be VERY bitter. Just leave it to mature for half a year and it should have calmed down a bit. :thumb:
not sure what the AA was as they came from shaunsbrew.

I put the all the fuggles and 65 goldings in, and boiled for 1 1/2 hours then the rest of the goldings in for the last 15 mins.

i got the recipe from a "Brewing Beers like those you Buy". Think I'll try your recipe next time :cheers: