My first brew and I've got floaters

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Oct 6, 2009
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My first brew and I've got floaters :evil:

Just bottled my first brew and seem to have lots of stuff floatig in the middle.

Is this normal or did I do something wrong? Someone suggested dissolving the sugar in warm water before adding.

Can i filter it out when i pour?
Technology is beating me at the moment!!!

Most of them seem to be settling at the bottom, but theere is quite a alot.
Has it definately finished fermenting?

it sounds like it could be yeast still in suspension....particularly since you say they are settling. What was S.G. when you bottled it?
been bottled for three days so should be going through second ferment.

sg 1012 when bottled it, having started at 1046 it didnt seem to be dropping anymore.
Hmmm :hmm: ..sounds a bit high, you would normally be looking at around 1006 or below for a finish.

I am presuming it is a kit? If so which one? What type of sugar did you use?
Cheers for your help.

Brupaks Pride of Yorkshire. I used 1/2 tsp glucose in each bottle, but i also added a handful to the orginal mix. ifits till fermenting will is clear once finished and settle? :wha:
I am by no means an expert on this as i have only been doing lagers/beers myself for a couple of months, although i have been doing wine kits for a number of years. I am hoping that one of the more experienced beer brewers on here may chuck their two penneth worth in at some point!!

I have never done a brupak kit, what do the instructions say with regard to finishing S.G.? There should be some guidance in there.

Different sugars/beer enhancers ferment more or less than others, i am not sure with regard to glucose at what s.g. it should finish. Did you use glucose as your main fermentable?

It is my basic understanding that a secondary ferment takes place when the brew has been racked off the sediment or yeast bed and the 2nd ferment takes place with the remaining yeast/sugars suspended in the solution so long as the fermenting conditions are maintained. It clears once the temperature drops, i.e. you move it to a cold place, stunning the yeast into a sleep state, thereby stopping the ferment.

In terms of it clearing once finished and settleing...... If you do still have unfermented yeast in the brew which is now bottled, my biggest fear would be the integrity of the bottles as the pressure builds and of course it will throw down another sediment, taking a little more space than usual in your bottle, which i think may make it a little harder to pour?.

I am not sure if it will settle and clear from here..... sorry i cant be of any more help. Good luck though.
Don't worry too much a final gravity of 1.012 is quite normal for a 3KG kit which I think the Brupaks ones are :thumb:
1/2tsp per pint of glucose is a good amount of primings, the reason that it looks as if it is only cloudy in the middle is that the bottles are tapered i.e thinner at the neck than at the base so it "looks" clearer through the thinner neck ;)
This again is normal and it will clear and settle to the bottom of the bottles :D
Give it 4 weeks in the bottle before trying one if you can, you should be able to pour most of the bottle before the sediment moves :drink:
Cheers guys,

I'll put it somewhere cool and leave it for a few weeks.

There you go see :D ..... i'm thinking far too deeply as usual :whistle:
