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Just realised this is my first brew since August, a mixture of wet weather when I’ve had the time to brew and other things on when he weather is okay (I brew outside), but finely the stars have aligned and I got a batch of Bitter brewed, just Maris Otter, Crystal and a little torrified wheat. Hops are Northdown and EKG, and fermenting with S-04. All going well it should end up a nice 4.2% Bitter.
Slightly undershot the gravity at 1.040 or 1.039. but looks pretty good. All tucked up in the fermenter at exactly 19° now.
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Murgy Straight went into the bottles yesterday. Smelt lovely and looking forward to it. The spent hops from the dry hop went into the kitchen bin and the kitchen smelt delightful this morning!
A pale ale using up some of my short dated hops. Pitched fermipan bread yeast (as I was reminded about it) at 25c, chamber is set to 30c so should be over quickly.

Yep, over quickly it is :D . Pitched on Friday afternoon, finished this morning. Going to drop the temp down to 18-20 and leave it until Friday and then bottle.

The most underrated of styles, an ABA with Aurora and Topaz.

Batch - 12.5L
OG - 1.052
ABV - 5.5%
EBC - 42
IBUs - 33


Ca-141 Mg-10 Na-100 CO3-50 SO4-100 Cl-300

Mash - 60' @ 66.7C

Extra Pale Planet - 70%
Chevallier Malt – 15%
Wheat Malt - 2%
Medium Crystal (240EBC) - 10%
Chocolate Malt - 3%
Prima Donna - 20g (4.7 IBUs)

Boil - 60C

Aurora – 5g @ First Wort (9.5 IBUs)
Aurora – 10g @ 10’ (6.3 IBUs)
Protofloc - 0.3g
Aurora – 30g @ 0' + 15'Steep at 75C (4.0 IBUs)
Topaz – 30g @ + 15'Steep at 75C (8.5 IBUs)

Fermented with House Blend Trial (Safale S-33 (x2), Safale S-04 (x1), Safale BE-256 (x1)) pitched at 19C.
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Well todays the day ! first 'proper' own recipe brew day - Half Hearted IPA...

Things i have already learnt - It takes longer to weigh out the grain bill than it does cutting open a bag!

I have even printed out the brew sheet for the very first time ....


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Yep, over quickly it is :D . Pitched on Friday afternoon, finished this morning. Going to drop the temp down to 18-20 and leave it until Friday and then bottle.

View attachment 105576

Just got round to cleaning up after the brewing session last week which means it fermented quicker than I cleaned up ashock1

OG 1,050 FG1,010 IBU 48.8 SRM 8.9

5 kg Weyermann Pilsner
0,70 kg Caramunich type 1 (late kettle)
0,20 kg Carapils (late kettle)

45g Mittlefruh @ 60 minutes
25g Perle @ 60 minutes
25g Saaz @20 minutes

Mash at 62C for 30 minutes raise to 70C for 30 minutes

Cured 1 kg of Pork loin which was ready today so a hearty brew day breakfast

Iodine test shows starch converted.

In with the late additions for mash out.

Close enough

Cant trust Melbourne spring weather so using the maxi to keep temp at 16C, swings both ways so doesn't matter if ambient is higher or lower.
Today I brewed a Brunswick Bitter, got some ground to make up from my infected Bass clone.

OG 1,045 FG 1,011 ABV 4.5% IBU 53.4 SRM 11.6
4.8 kg Veloria Schooner Pale Ale Malt
0,500 kg Munich light
0,120 kg Crystal Light (late addition)
0,200 kg Crystal Dark (late addition)
0,150 kg Carapils (late addition

15g Target Hops @60 minutes
20g Challenger @ 40 minutes
25g First Gold @10 minutes.

Transferring to fermenter in the morning.

Thursday's brew chugging away at 16C
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First brew in a long while, an El Dorado single hop pale ale.

Batch #54 18L

BIAB no sparge
Total water 24L
ABV 5%
OG 1.051
FG 1.013
EBC 9.9
IBU 43

4.3 kg Extra pale Maris Otter
175 gm Vienna
85gm Light Crystal

El Dorado 10gm 60 mins
El Dorado 10gm 15 min
El Dorado 10gm 5 mins

El Dorado 20gm hopstand 80c 30mins

El Dorado 50gm 3 days dry hop

Will probably let this chill down overnight in the brewfridge and pitch US-05 in the morning.
Got my mojo back !
Not brewing but kegging a pale ale today. AG brew number 6 for me so still an awful lot to learn.
Although the brewday numbers were all over the place I've ended up with 17.1L in the corny keg at 5.4 abv instead of the target 4.3 but it tastes good which is the main thing at this stage.

I've got the transfer under pressure bit working well now though after a couple of early disasters that had me close to filling my trousers with fun sized mars bars... :D

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I had to do some work today, but when I got home I brewed up some Muntons Nut Brown Ale, with 500gms of Dark DME and S04 yeast. In the past I've made it with a kilo of medium DME and had good results but trying it at a lower gravity. Bought dark DME as the shop had run out of medium, but I think it should work. It is relatively full bodied 1.8 kilo kit with a low level of bitterness so hoping the lower gravity will work.

This is a beer you can drink as soon as it is carbonated, so will easily be ready for Christmas 8)
Today I ventured into unknown territory, an IPL. This is a good part of brewing, learning. This is a Gordon Strong recipe but as I couldn't get the hops as in the recipe I substituted leading to a huge amount of hops and a significant loss of wort to trub.
IPL is an Imperial Pale Lager, yes it is a recognised beer.
My OG was a touch over prediction but I did lose some to trub, all is not lost I have a 4 litre jug of wort in the fridge settling out so will be short of volume by about 1 litre.
The IPL is called Hop Obsession, a low alcohol high IBU lager. If it isn't online then if anyone is interested I will put a copy on here.

The boil is on.

So many hops the wort is green!

Slightly over the expected OG, mainly because I forgot what volume of water I started with so extended the boil by 20 minutes, make notes people.

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