Toasting pale malt

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@foxy. That was a storming good read. Opened up a whole new idea. Use straight from the field barley* as 50% of malted grain bill. Which maintains enough diastatic power for conversion, but saves the faff. Guess what's up next brew 👍

*dunno want you meant by green barley. Probably a lingo thing. Do hope it's nothing to do with vegans 🤣🤣🙄
Good point.

When I started this thread I wanted a handful of a darker malt. (toasting)

Yesterday I collected a few barrels of fresh harvested barley from a farming buddy.

He asked me to make a crate of beer with it. So now I need to malt 4kg and then toast it (pale malt).

So I think I need info.. the necessary times and temps to malt and roast and toast.

This is the best I have found so far.
"Malting at Home" by Francois Dyment was the best I could find a few years ago.

He has a website too:

Brewing Beer The Hard Way
Trivial post just so I'm following the thread (there's probably a button for doing this).

I once roasted my own coffee. Enjoyable experience and I liked the results but I was not popular for making the entire house smell like the inside of a peculator and wasn't allowed to do it again. :mad:

I once toasted some oak, in the oven. FFS. Long story, should have known better. Narrowly avoided burning the house down, and couldn't get rid of the bonfire smell before swmbo came back from shopping. 😱
Use straight from the field barley* as 50% of malted grain bill. Which maintains enough diastatic power for conversion, but saves the faff. Guess what's up next brew 👍
That's what I thought you had in mind originally, rather than malting the lot yourself. I've heard (not sure if it's true, let us know) that the unmalted kernels are hard as nails and can break teeth if you're not careful. I wonder how well it'll go through your mill.
"Hard as nails" that's conditioning your grain before you set off. From memory 2% & 20mins. Better check that too.

Milling. Hmm not sure. Not got a roller mill. Not planning to buy one again. I sold the one I bought for trials.

But I do have a stone mill that I could set to crack and not grind flour.
Oh FFS. Why didn't I set that...
Now, I know I'm on "An Ankoù" ignore list (some fall-out or something with his brew-partner/mucker concerning "Belgian" "candi" <sic> sugar). But, ... I'm on your ignore list too?
Sorry for being an insufferable pendant, but that's an acronym rather than a 'term' 🤪
I'm not pedantic ... just insufferable: And anyway Q.E.D. is the name of a ship, or something?

I know it's you @peebee
So, that leaves one unanswered question ...

Why did you ignore my reply about the Durden Park Beer Club booklet you ... you .... unappreciative git? 🥺
Yeeees 😁

Trying to find a copy of the "British Beers and How To Make Them" from above.

I wonder if they've given up reprinting it? Their web site lets you download it now, but I'm not sure if the old versions had the "make your own" brown and amber? It's not "real" brown and amber, but back in the 1970s you'd be luck to find pale malt! I understand roasting your own makes very fine aromas and flavours (@Cwrw666 is a fan I believe).

[EDIT: The 1993 reprint costs more ... all of £4.40! So, I guess it's more "complete" than the 1976 original?]
Keep digging. You might eventually find another way out your hole?

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