XL Bully

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I couldn't disagree more guns like that are not used for hunting they are designed to kill people and nothing else.
Don't know about that. For what other purpose are they bred? They are bred with every attribute you would want in a killer dog. If you got the Adrian Newey of dog designers to design a dog with the single purpose of agression and ability to kill humans and anything else that moves they'd come up with an XL Bully. Most yanks don't buy AR15's to actually kill people even though that is the primary purpose of the weapon, in the same way as most XL Bully owners don't buy their dogs with intent to actually kill someone, so the dog in effect is a weapon also. But the fact remains the dog has specific genetic firmware embedded in every cell in its body and every dog has the potential to mame and kill and requires an owner of exceptional skill, discipline, dedication and as much time as necessary to commit to responsibly owning such a dog safely. Unfortunately most of the actual owners fall way short of those requirements.

In many ways its like having a Lion as a pet..sure if you keep it well fed and form an attachment to it they can be friendly...plenty of videos on the web of people who've reared Lions from kittens and they recognise them as adults and are fine with them and will have a bit of rough and tumble on the ground and show love and affection...but could you really really trust it if it were a pet in your home lying on your living room rug?
Failing that, the tragedy has been covered by a number of tabloids in the UK, a 23 year old woman was killed by her dog , presumed to be an XL Bully in Limerick. She had recently posted a question to a dog training group on facebook, requesting advice .
I think if there was known to be people manufacturing knock off guns that would randomly explode and kill someone in your house, you’d be sure as hell to buy one from a reputable dealer and not some random off the internet.

It’s the same with XL Bullies. Bred properly they can be sound as a pound, but when profit takes over as the motive for breeding and people don’t do their research before buying there’s danger.
Vets have put 27 XL Bully dogs to sleep in Cheshire in the last 12 months, a meeting of policing bosses heard.

Questions were raised as to why so many of the banned breed had been euthanised if there had been no known attacks.

The Cheshire Police and Crime Panel was told it was possible owners had decided to have their dogs destroyed because of the ban.

Cheshire Police said it had seized 75 dogs and brought 22 prosecutions, with 14 more due to go to court.

Dogs seized

Councillor Judy Snowball told the panel that "if there have been no attacks in Cheshire, I would be interested in the law behind this".

She said she could understand prosecutions where the law had been broken in a certificate of exemption not being obtained or renewed.

But in those cases the individual who owned the dog would be taken to court, she said.

"I’m interested to know why the actual dogs have been euthanised in this," she said.

Panel member Gemma Shepherd-Etchells said she knew of cases of owners asking for their dogs to be euthanised.

In England and Wales it is a criminal offence to own or possess an XL Bully without a valid certificate of exemption.

It is also an offence to sell an XL Bully, abandon an XL Bully or let it stray, give one away, breed from one or have an XL bully in public without a lead and muzzle.

Until March this year, owners who had their dogs put down could apply for £200 in compensation.

Cheshire Police and Crime Commissioner Dan Price said he would ask Cheshire Police for more information about the dogs put down.

BBC News
Perhaps there hadn't been any attacks because the risk had been reduced by getting rid of these dangerous dogs and lets be honest the owner profile says it all generally
Perhaps there hadn't been any attacks because the risk had been reduced by getting rid of these dangerous dogs and lets be honest the owner profile says it all generally

They now have to be muzzled and on a lead in public attacks were bound to drop once they introduced this law.
I think the key point here is that perhaps in the past, people might have handed these dogs into a pound or given away to a friend or family if they could no longer deal with them, or the potential threat.

The law said that you can't do that, so they have to be euthanised.

The other issue of course is think of yourself as a parent of a young child and you have a young(ish) XL bully that you never thought it would have the impact to kill. You may play the roulette that the dog will be absolutely fine, but it could maul your young child to death.
"It's alright he'll be not hurt you" Owner shouts
as dog bounds towards kids playing with a football off the leash and not under the control of the owner but of course most owners say they are responsible owners, well learn your local bye laws as dogs should be on a leash in most circumstances/or under control by their side
Too Late!!!
Our little 6kg JRT is very laid back and always on a lead, local streets short lead open area's long lead, you can stroke her no problem but she does not like shopping bags or them shopping trolley things, a couple of weeks ago i was local with her and a couple stopped to ask about her how old she was just the usual stuff anyway the woman had a bag and she was shying away and groweling so i said put your bag down and stroke her so she did and was amazed, her tail was wagging and she was happy my point is you need to know your dog, a big no no for me is parents who let their kids who see this cute little doggy and just let try and stroke it, i always pull her back and tell them not to without asking first
Panel member Gemma Shepherd-Etchells said she knew of cases of owners asking for their dogs to be euthanised.
I initially speed read this and thought it said "Panel member German Shepherd-Etchells" and I'm then thinking what the hell is a dog doing on a council panel or that someone's parents must have liked dogs so much that they named one of their kids after a type of dog 😂
I initially speed read this and thought it said "Panel member German Shepherd-Etchells" and I'm then thinking what the hell is a dog doing on a council panel or that someone's parents must have liked dogs so much that they named one of their kids after a type of dog 😂
Graz, I notice you like your dogs so much you are currently brewing two brews that are named after types of dogs.

Back on topic, My wee yin is placid until flatbed trucks go by and she turns into a Tasmanian devil. Go figure.

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