Who is Taylor Swift

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I feel the same as you. I recall when my Dad (not my Mum) disapproved of the "long-haired layabouts" I used to listen to as a kid. SO, not wanting to be a bigot, I plugged Taylor Swift into Tidal and listened to, what I imagine, are the 10 most streamed songs.
Totally unmoved. The music's not bad, but it's nothing special. Not my kind of thing, To get some kind of reference, I played half a dozen Madonna tracks straight after and, while I'm not a great Madonna fan, had to reckognise that she was far more talented and entertaining than Swift..
So I don't get it either
I think famousness has a lot to do with luck & maybe the willingness to sell your soul.

My eldest listened to Taylor Swift in the early days. Her music isn't objectionable, though it started off more country ballad style than pop. She seems to have a reasonable grasp of the music business, treats her fans well & has been going 10+ years so far.

But the BBC is obsessed with her in the same way it was obsessed with apple & Steve Jobs. I don't understand why they get so much free advertising (actually it's not free is it, it's bloody subsidised by us)

I've seen/heard really good musicians & singers who are/were quite obscure. So it depends on what you like & if you stumble across it.
I played half a dozen Madonna tracks straight after and, while I'm not a great Madonna fan, had to reckognise that she was far more talented and entertaining than Swift..

Same here, a couple of my favourites

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Sorry this is the best I can do..

I quite like early songs of hers, shake it off gets my foot tapping - but it's all very middle of the road un-objectional radio pop fodder.
There are thousands like her, she was just lucky with how the moon and stars aligned, as is always the way with fame.
Add in some extremely talented music execs and marketing folks, and bingo - she's making the record company billions of dollars

It's like a pyramid scheme [fake numbers coming up...]
Sign up 100 artists and invest £10 each for marketing
Those showing some promise stay, the other 50 get dropped.
Those 50 now have £20 invested in marketing
They chop that down to 10 artists doing best and invest £100 each in marketing in the hope that one becomes mega star. Irrespective of a mega star in the making, those paying their way get to stay, the rest get dropped.

Rinse and repeat. Merciless business
You lot are hilarious. I’m guessing that most on here are middle aged plus men, you are definitely not the target audience. I’m a massive fan of 70s to 2010 alternative rock and punk, that makes me a Dad Rock dinosaur as far as the industry is concerned, and a total irrelevance. This thread smacks of “things were better in my day when we had real tunes’. I’ve never understood why the rose tinted glasses for the past, or why groups like the Beatles are put on a pedestal, their music is ok, with some stand out tunes. The Rolling Stones are little more than a pub rock cover band feeding a parody of America back to the nation that influenced them.
You lot are hilarious. I’m guessing that most on here are middle aged plus men, you are definitely not the target audience. I’m a massive fan of 70s to 2010 alternative rock and punk, that makes me a Dad Rock dinosaur as far as the industry is concerned, and a total irrelevance. This thread smacks of “things were better in my day when we had real tunes’. I’ve never understood why the rose tinted glasses for the past, or why groups like the Beatles are put on a pedestal, their music is ok, with some stand out tunes. The Rolling Stones are little more than a pub rock cover band feeding a parody of America back to the nation that influenced them.

I was going to mention the 'not the target demographic' too. Parents never get their kids music (although sometimes the other way round does work).

Wouldn't mind being a few bob behind her ashock1

If I'd been quicker to the thread I would simply have said 'shake it off' :laugh8:.
Parents never get their kids music (although
Not so. I was weaned on black sabbath and deep purple, yes, crimson and all the good progressive band. Couldn't abide motown when that came, along and punk still makes me want to vomit.
BUT my kids were into Metallica, sepultura, rage against the machine, machine head etc. Loved it and I've got loads of their CDs although I still can't get on with chilli's and aerosmith. Later on the Scandinavian metal, fintroll, Moonsorrow etc. Still love and listen to Moonsorrow. So I'm still looking out for good stuff, it doesn't have to be the Beatles.
This thread smacks of “things were better in my day when we had real tunes’. I’ve never understood why the rose tinted glasses for the past,
Really, I like all kinds of music from the 70s to today this is not about the good old days listen to the top 5 Madonna songs and Swift songs and tell me who is the better singer.
never understood why the rose tinted glasses for the past, or why groups like the Beatles are put on a pedestal, their music is ok, with some stand out tunes

I was never a big fan of the Beatles but do get why they are so famous the world over.

Oasis are one of my all time favourite bands along with Led Zep and Pet Shop Boys, as i said I like bands form the 70s to now and fron all genres
Swift apart, who are the rising stars of today? I tend to avoid pop radio as I've no stomach for rap or electronically "corrected" voices, so I suspect I'm missing out on the good stuff too.
French radio, let me add, is pretty awful.
I enjoy the Beatles more today than I did in their time. I suppose they're not in your face all the time. The Zombies, Kinks etc are also fun.
Still haven't developed an appreciation for Val Doonican or The Crapenters, though.
No offence but you old gits aren't her target audience.
I think you are wrong.
Quite a lot of it has broad appeal (which is more than can be said about a lot of youth music going back years).

But what do I know, I have been known to sit at the traffic lights with the windows open with 'funny action songs for kids' on the tape deck to keep the blighters in the back quiet/drown out "are we there yet" and "how many more miles"

And on the subject, why do places play all this 'nostalgia' music from the 40's when we should be headed for "punk rock retirement squats" in the very near future?
Parents are absolutley correct when they say that 90% of what their kids listen to is rubbish. And their kids are absolutely correct when they say that 90% of what their parents listened to was rubbish.