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Dec 13, 2020
Reaction score
York, UK
Spent the last few hours preparing this lovely meal. Everything from scratch.

We have sweet and sour chicken - low carb, low sugar version, with a Chinese style stir fry on the side.

In order, the pictures are:-

Sauce ingredients
Batter ingredients
Made-up batter
Stir fry ingredients

Followed by finished pics of the chicken and stir fry.

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I'm impressed you got the batter to stick - mine always falls off. Please share your mix/method! (just the batter, I have a sweet and sour sauce recipe that is simple but secret ;))

You need a super thick batter! Here is the recipe. I don't dry the chicken or anything, just season it. The batter wasn't low carb by the way, but the husband didn't mind.

120g plain flour
120g cornflour
1/2 tbsp sugar
1/2 tbsp baking powder
1/2 tbsp bicarbonate of soda
220ml water
LOTS of salt.

You want the batter to taste over salty, then it's perfectly seasoned when fried. Fry in sunflower oil.

Hope that helps.

I have an amazing onion rings recipe too, doesn't use this mix though, and uses lager.
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I'm impressed you got the batter to stick - mine always falls off. Please share your mix/method! (just the batter, I have a sweet and sour sauce recipe that is simple but secret ;))

Mine is secret too - you can see what's in it though above but not the amounts. I've got an amazing book that gave me all this stuff. It's the nicest sauce in the world but very sweet.
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I am a fan of Gousto, though I reguarly switch between it, Feast, Hello Fresh and Mindful Chef generally at least one will give me a promotion, but I would say Gousto would he my first choice.
I used to use hello Fresh too but found their stuff to be poor quality. Also a poor choice of recipes, and I was sick of mistakes in every single box. Gousto is a no brainer for me. Haven’t tried the other ones but probably will at some point.
I used to use hello Fresh too but found their stuff to be poor quality. Also a poor choice of recipes, and I was sick of mistakes in every single box. Gousto is a no brainer for me. Haven’t tried the other ones but probably will at some point.
I do agree that Hello Fresh has gone done hill recently altough I do like their vegetation options, Mindful Chef is good but more expensive than the rest even on promotion, Feast I did like but again its fairly expensive. Gousto I would say has the best balance between cost and quality and I regularly find myself reusing their recipes (the fact that they provide nicely made A5 folders free of charge to put your recipie cards in also helps).

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