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A Gpig with attitude
jesus my cat must've started a trend. my mates first cat, a mother of 6 of which they kept them all.. got hit by a car saturday night!
sorry to hear V
When we went to France on hols a few years ago we left our nicest cat, Chips, with friends who lived about 15 miles away in the countryside. The cat travelled in the back of the car in a box.
When we returned a couple of weeks later we went to collect her only to be met by two very apologetic people who said the cat had gone missing a week earlier. A search around the buildings and surrounding farm land found nothing.
Having given up hope and thinking she was gone, I found her in our drive a week later. How did she do that
cats are buggers for that
especially when in heat if they've not had the snip.
guarantee your cat was the **** of the neighbourhood if she wasn't 'done' :lol:
weirdest thing too, when they come back they act like nothing happened! and look at you like "WHAT?" :lol: