Youngs Harvest Bitter stuck at 1.014

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Active Member
Jan 15, 2011
Reaction score
Telford, UK

I am currently in the process of brewing a batch of Young's Harvest Bitter. This is the first brew that I have ever done and so I am totally lacking in experience.

In the instructions it states that when the primary fermentation is complete the hydrometer should read 1.000 to 1.006. My brew has been fermenting for 10 days and the hydrometer has been reading at a constant 1.014 for the past three days. I have stirred the brew during this time to awaken the yeast but there is still no change. Why might this be and what, if any are the consequences?

In short, can I bottle/ barrel my beer or is there something else that I should try?

Thanks in advance for any advice.

evanvine said:
My current brew (1st stepped mash) finished at 1015.
I'm not too concerned, will QA in 4 weeks. :D

This reinforces my gut feeling. I think that I will wait another 24 hours, check again and then keg up.
I contacted young about this and this is the reply that I got, thought others may find it useful:

Good morning Rich,

'Primary' fermentation normally is complete within 5-10 days. It is important that you do not transfer into bottles or barrel before the SG is below 1.006. If the beer is put into bottles there is a risk that they would explode. With a barrel there is the added safety of the Pressure Release Valve but you still should not transfer too early.

Why the SG has stuck?? Initially check that the hydrometer is reading correctly. Test it using water from the tap. The SG of water should read 1.000.
If it is then the reading of the beer is correct.

Did you put the correct amount of sugar in?
Where did you put the bucket? it should be kept warm but not too hot and where the temperature remains fairly constant.

You could try adding some more yeast to trey and get it going again.

John Smith

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