Fine,a couple of weeks then check one.
Yes.All bottled on day 21 - 62 bottles , 6.1% - smelling and tasting good. I am storing them in my boiler cupboard - I checked the temp today and it seems to be around 18 degrees - will this be high enough for carbonation to take place? - theres not really a warmer place in the house - I used a brew belt when fermenting but obviously no good now I've bottled .
Yes that's fine.Hi Guys,
I'm going to leave my bottles carbonating for another week but I have a question regarding conditioning......
Currently the outside temp is around fridge temp (and only going to get colder over the coming months), so in theory can I keep my bottles inside in the warm then transfer to the fridge a few days before I intend to drink? They are quite clear already to be honest but not sure if it will have any negative effect on the final product.
My suggestion is to try something else. There's lots to choose from, and you can always do the AIPA again laterIs it that good? Not tasted one yet. Is this regarded as the best kit IPA available?im a big fan of Punk and elvis juice. I'm gonna order a new kit this weekend but not really tasted it yet. Do I buy same again or try something else?!? Decisions decisions ðŸâ¢â
Is it that good? Not tasted one yet. Is this regarded as the best kit IPA available?im a big fan of Punk and elvis juice. I'm gonna order a new kit this weekend but not really tasted it yet. Do I buy same again or try something else?!? Decisions decisions ðŸâ¢â
Is it that good? Not tasted one yet. Is this regarded as the best kit IPA available?im a big fan of Punk and elvis juice. I'm gonna order a new kit this weekend but not really tasted it yet. Do I buy same again or try something else?!? Decisions decisions ðŸâ¢â
Looking back at what you told us your brew was at 1.008 for at least five days so my take on that is that the primary had finished although there was plenty of yeast still in suspension. Also FG 1.008 seemed about right given your OG and the attenuation likely from the yeast. You also told us that you had actually not used all your priming sugar.Any suggestions? I really don't want my first brew to end badly.