Youngs American IPA

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Have you tested your hydrometer in water, SG nominally 1.000, to check for errors?

Well that's an elegant solution :) I've just done so and got 1.000 on the nose.

Interesting! Maybe the recipe got tweaked by Young's? I'm still happy. IMHO 6% is sufficient!
Well terrym that's an elegant solution :) I've just done so and got 1.000 on the nose.

Interesting! Maybe the recipe got tweaked by Young's? I'm still happy. IMHO 6% is sufficient!
Not really a fair comparison but I found a bottle of APA in my stash from March but cracked it open just for scientific research comparison reasons, honest Mrs.
Tasted very nice but not quite as good as I remember, seem to recall drinking this quite 'young' . I would be more than happy getting this served up to me in my local instead of the lukewarm slops that is the usual fare.Not much of a hop punch and not really that bitter but still a nice smooth tasty pint

Then I got an IPA out that has been in the bottle for 5 weeks, bloody hell it's like chalk and cheese. Massive burst of fruity flavour and a real punch of hops - what a pint!! I really like these Young's kits as they are ready to drink very early on,they don't benefit from being left a couple of months in my opinion, no messing about just quaff the lot.I've done most of the Festival and St.Peters kits but none of them taste as good as the Young's after a few short weeks

Don't get me wrong, the APA is very nice but this was left too long.Going against all homebrew reasoning it doesn't get better with age.Whichever you choose you'll end up with a great pint, you can't go wrong with either
Righto, that's about as sober as I'm gonna be this weekend as I've got a stash of New World Saison ready for guzzling

Have a good weekend :cheers:
Cheers for that sausagefingers, am sold on the IPA! And even better that they wanna be drunk young. [emoji1]
I started mine on 15/6/15, followed the instructions without adding any more fermentables. Og 1057. It went bezerk after one day in the fv and I had to hastily rig up a blow off tube. It settled down after around a week to a few bubbles every 30 seconds ish. Fermentation seemed to have finished on 26/6/15, so I left it a couple of days and took a reading today (28/6/15). Fg 1004 which makes it 7%. It tastes pretty good from the sample jar, sort of sweet with slight bitterness , although it will probably taste totally different after the hops have been added. I added the hop sachet, I just sprinkled the hops on top of the wort. I had planned to put them in a muslin bag that I had saved from a previous kit, but I couldn't find it, so I'll have to filter it when I syphon it.
I will bottle half and keg half on Tuesday when the hops have been in for 2 days.
This is one of the best kits that I have used, i.e I think the first one that has fermented straight down to 1004 without a little help getting past 1020. It smelt great while fermenting and the hops smell beautiful. I will try to leave it for 3 weeks before I taste a bottle or 2, although that may prove difficult.
I highly recommend this kit for ease of use and its reliability, just don't forget that blow off tube. I'll report back in a few weeks when I've tasted it, but I have high hopes for this one. Could become my new favourite. :-)

Just had a test bottle of this, still quite young but I think its my best brew so far. Admittibly my tastes have changed since I started brewing my own.

(I started trying to make beer like fosters, then Iwent through a bitter/dark/ruby stage, now Im into hoppy IPA's).

This one certainly hits the spot for me at the moment. Its pale, lagery colour. A lovely floral scent at first, on tasting, a citrusy/ peachy flavour
with a quite bitter lingering taste.

I know I should leave this longer, but its ticking all my boxes at the moment so I don't know if I'll be able to. I've got 10, 500ml bottles, and the rest is in a PB, so I'll probably drink whats kegged and try to save some bottles.

I've got a festival razorback fermenting now, I hope its as good as this one. :cheers: :thumb:
Had 5 weeks in the bottle now, tastes a bit better but not as good as I hoped/was expecting, it's reminding me of Brooklyn bloody lager at the moment
Still have about 10 bottles left from my stash I started in February. Hop aroma ever so slightly less pronounced but still very very nice. Stash will be gone in less than 2 weeks. :-(
This was my first kit as part of a starter kit from Brewstore in Edinburgh and I have been very impressed!

I started fermenting right during the heat wave at the start of May, got upto 26-28 degrees :oops:, and had to rig up a bubbling tube (after reading advice on here and elsewhere) as it was very lively. Possibly could've left it in the FV a wee while longer, fermentation had stopped according to hydrometer but the kraeusen hadn't fully sunk (didn't realise this was a good indicator until looking for tips on my 2nd brew).

Has come out at 6.1% and has been difficult to leave alone in the pressure barrel, tasting very good at the 1*,2 and 3 week samples. Has been very frothy but has been conditioning in a pressure barrel in the shed, so possibly a bit warm.
*first pint very clear 2nd one not so much.

I think this kit will be my 3rd brew and may become a staple, as others have mentioned not dissimilar to Brewdog's punk ipa. Looking forwarded to the remainder of the barrel (if I can leave it to fully mature).

I too did mine during the heat earlier in summer tbh I've drank quite a lot of mine already haha. Started a youngs saison kit today but can guarantee in 21-25 days there will be another ipa on the go. Might look to buy some more types of hops to change the flavour abit....

I'm so pleased with this kit I ordered 3 more Young's kits over the weekend. They are streets ahead of the Muntons kits and actually very good value IMHO if you consider the quality. Plus in addition to instructions that actually make sense and a very generous helping of hop pellets they give you a decent packet (15g) of yeast that goes off like a rocket instead of the miserly 6g you get with a wherry that gets stuck at 1020.
God bless America!
Not sure if it is just the difference in temperature but the amber ale is a less lively fermentation.

Having read other reviews these kits have earned a high place on my to buy list.

Have just had 3 pints from these which I poured into about 4hrs ago.

A bit flat but lovely tasting. Not sure about how co2 tight these bottles are but nice to taste my brew chilled.
This is my second Young's APA kit and its not gone to plan at all. In the FV there was a stack of sediment floating and as I transferred it to the barrel and some to bottles, I noticed loads of sediment coming through. I've left it a few weeks and last night I poured off a sample from the barrel and although it smelt OK it was really cloudy and orange. The beer in the bottles looked really clear so I popped the top off one. It fizzed straight away and the thick sediment in the bottom immediately rose through the bottle leaving a similar result to the barrelled ale.
So, is it completely knackered? Can I save it?
The first time I did this ale it was perfect. I just don't know where I've gone wrong.
So my first batch of YIPA, I put the entire batch in the Young's pressure vessel (PV). I was super happy with the result, with the one exception that I have to confess it tasted a little flat.

So, with my second batch, I read all the forums, carefully sanded the lip of the PV smooth and put a thin film of vaseline on seal (which I tightened tight, but not too tight).

I also bottled 50% of the batch.

After 2 weeks conditioning at room temp, I put the entire keg in the fridge along with a bottle or two. Now..the moment of truth...

Bottle: delicious, crystal clear, rich, lasting head and actually a little too fizzy.
PV: delicious, crystal clear, rich, lasting head...but again...tastes rather flat.

There seems to be plenty pressure in the PV: it's enough to distort the PV and lift it off it's little feet. Pressure is also sufficient to pour a pint in 1-2s. So, when pouring, I just crack it open and dispense as slow as possible.

Is it time to give up on the Young's PV? I'm considering either sticking with bottles...or investing in a corny and going the whole hog with a kegerator set up. Any advice guys???

Cheers! :cheers:
Got one of these started on Saturday, seemed to go to plan and is bubbling away quite happily at 20/22degrees. Plan to leave it in the FV for three weeks then bottle the lot. High hopes for this beer.
Do you think it matters whether I add the sugar to the fv or the bottles when bottling. The instructions say to the fv and stir but I don't want to disturb all the sediment as its settled nicely. Surely a teaspoon to each bottle will do the same job?

Bottled my Youngs American IPA on Sunday evening, meaning it had just over three weeks in the FV.

Final gravity was 1010 which I think is bang in the range for this kit.

Beer was still pretty cloudy, had expected it to clear TBH as the main fermentation had finished at least a week before bottling.

Used 6 plastic PET bottles and the rest glass this time, and the plastic bottles are firming up nicely already tho the beer is still cloudy.

This is my second 'premium' kit, the first being the Hammer of Thor which I am not too keen on, hoping this one is more to my liking.

Will post again in a few weeks after sampling has begun.
Bottled my Youngs American IPA on Sunday evening, meaning it had just over three weeks in the FV.

Final gravity was 1010 which I think is bang in the range for this kit.

Beer was still pretty cloudy, had expected it to clear TBH as the main fermentation had finished at least a week before bottling.

Used 6 plastic PET bottles and the rest glass this time, and the plastic bottles are firming up nicely already tho the beer is still cloudy.

This is my second 'premium' kit, the first being the Hammer of Thor which I am not too keen on, hoping this one is more to my liking.

Will post again in a few weeks after sampling has begun.

My Youngs AAA was cloudy for a good few weeks after I bottled I think its the huge dry hop which always gave it a slightly "haze"