yeast strain vs hops

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Jan 7, 2010
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Just tasted some of the batches I did with different hops and yeasts etc..

One thing I noticed is that the beer brewed with so4 had more hop flavour to it than the ones with nottingham yeast. Does anyone have any experience to confirm this can happen or did I just mess up the hop quantities??
it was the flora aroma and taste of the east kent goldings that seemed more promenant in the s04 brews
It should be the other way around, S-04 for a maltier beer, Nottingham for a Hoppier beer.

Try a Whitelabs Burton Ale yeast sometime, it literally Eats hop flavour and Aroma but leaves the bitterness intact... I've Dry Hopped when I've used this yeast to give it some stuff back.

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