Yeast Bank Trades

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New Member
Oct 17, 2018
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First time poster, long time lurker here.

I just finished moving some Imperial A62 Bell's into my cryo setup and had the thought that there has to be others cryo preserving yeast here and maybe some like minded members would be interested in trading strains. The A62 I have is straight from Bell's Brewery in Michigan and I brought it home wrapped in cold packs in my checked luggage back in February. First keg of a Two Hearted clone is already gone!

Does anyone else out there have some harder to get yeasts that might be interested in trading? I cannot say the rest of my freezer is particularly interesting at the moment, lots of A38 and various Saison yeasts but here is to hoping I can fill some slots with something new and exciting!
I would like to do this but my yeasts are stored in jars in the fridge. Do you have any good resources to hand for storing yeast in a good way like you are doing?
Sure, when I get a new yeast I build up a starter pitch what I need for the batch and store the rest.

Some examples online:

Session’s brewdays
How to make a frozen yeast bank

It's really not that hard, but you do need to be crazy about being sanitary. I also have ready that 48 hours after pitching the frozen yeast into starter wort and you are set to go, personally it's taken more like a week for me but the results have been brilliant. Cannot recall the last time I used fresh A38.

Sorry @jceg316 got so excited for my first reply that I just posted a new message and didn't reply to yours. :)
I'd really like to start culturing up my own wild yeast as well. I think for my birthday I'm gonna ask for one of those yeast wrangling kits and a microscope.

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