wow ?

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Active Member
Jun 21, 2012
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Is it normal to quit bubbling after only 7 days. I broke the hydrometer last weekend awaiting for mail to bring another so I can't check sg. I just made a trip to the cellar and all 4 gallons have stopped bubbling and have about an inch of pulp on bottom. Thanks in advance Mike
oogaboogachief said:
I broke the hydrometer last weekend awaiting for mail to bring another so I can't check sg.
Got a tongue, haven't you? Get a drinking straw and have a taste, but try not to dribble back into the fermenter.

And yes, it's quite possible for a WOW to ferment most of the way out in a week but they probably haven't completely finished, give them another week or two before you think about racking. Also, that sediment will firm up quite a lot, racking will be easier and your volume losses will be reduced.
Thanks I did think of taste testing just decided to leave it be. I was just haoping I didn't get another stuck problem. The reason I wondered is my five gallon batch is still going pretty good and they were put together the same day. After racking how long till it will clear? Mike
oogaboogachief said:
The reason I wondered is my five gallon batch is still going pretty good and they were put together the same day.
WOW ferments out faster than anything else I've ever come across. What's the 5 gallon batch?

oogaboogachief said:
After racking how long till it will clear?
If you use finings, 1-2 days and it should be mostly clear, 1-2 weeks and it should be totally clear.

If you don't use finings and leave it to nature, 1-2 months.
Could be that you under-pitched yeast and it took longer to get up to speed.

I do that, I would use 1 tsp of yeast compound if I was ever making a 1 gallon batch but 2.5 tsps to a 5 gallon brew, so it's going to take the yeasties longer to breed enough to fill the FV before they get stuck in to the serious business of making alcohol.

Could just be that 5 times the volume is going to give 5 times the airlock activity, so it's easier to see that it's still going strong, while the singles have slowed right down but are probably still on tickover.
Thanks I will just let it be for a while. After it quits How long does it take to clear? Mike