wow help

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Active Member
Jul 9, 2011
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hi guys just made two separate 5l batches of wow using worzels / moleys recipe however i only just realized Ive run out of yeast nutrient. will this be a major booboo or will it be fine with just the young's super yeast??? many thanks fellas
happy brewing
It should be fine. Youngs super, has nutrient in it no worries ;)
thanks alot guys thats what i was thinking, and ive only just realised its in how to instead of brewdays.
plus i didnt want to annoy people bumping topic :thumb:
Topic moved, you certainly wouldn't have annoyed anyone by bumping the main topic, and WOW isn't exactly a slow starter so yeast nutrient can probably be regarded as optional.
Well it was looking abit slugish tbh think it was to warm. So I popped to wilkos got sum nutrient and it nearly blew up in my face lol just managed to contain the pulp volcano in the demi. 24 hrs later its chuffing like a gud un and my 2 year old son loves watching it bubble and move around. Thanks for the help guys