Would I be okay without a starter

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For the record this was an English Ale Wyeast, I plan to reuse it on an English pale ale (clibits brit hop) and then Ill crop the top and use some on a 10 liter brew which will be left overs of hops from this and the original brew (greg Hughes) ..

That last one will be more expereimental but I gather either way 100 x 500ml bottles from a 6 quid sachet of yeast pretty good value and if it produces a better quality final product than the dried variety . Of course not counting the cost of dme for starters but in the name of science and another string to my bow in the brewing world I don't mind all that..

Like most things we do what works for us and sometimes we find out things ourselves.. I know there will always be conflicting opinions or advice and I appreciate other peoples input whilst accepting it isn't gospel but other users experience.. Like tonight, I had a feeling I could have bunged in what I had but my niggling feeling was why not make a small starter and MQ has given the advice he woudl do something like that..

All in the name of science, anyway I haven't started on the beer yet so I need to crack on
