Worthington's White Shield - Any suggestions

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Rock Zigger

New Member
Apr 6, 2009
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Third brew of the year will be an IPA and as always hunting around for a good recipe. Roger Protz has Worthington's White Shield down as the Grand-daddy of IPAs any suggestions on how to formualte a clone or failing that a highly recommended IPA recipe for AG, or extract - anything goes,

IPA-Pale Malt, Hop with Challenger for bittering and Cascade for aroma. You won't go far wrong. :thumb:
To get close to the white shield flavour you will need @ 75% efficiency
5kg pale malt
500g crystal
Northdown and challenger hops to give 35 ibu

But to get really close you will need the brewery yeast for primary fermentation, you can of course try and rescue the secondary yeast from the bottle :thumb: