Woop! My First TC Brewday!

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Last night I racked into a bottling bucket with 5 crushed CTs, a mug of 4 teabag tea and 10 tbsp splenda then bottled up.

Credit to evanvine for the recipe - I "sampled" a couple of glasses straight out of the bottling bucket and this stuff is bloddy gorgeous! It's turned out medium/dry with a nice bite and appley finish. VERY impressed :party:

This morning the tops of the bottles were starting to clear which is encouraging.

I have one further question (sorry!): In preparation for NYE I just chucked 20l of apple juice straight on top of the yeast/cider slurry left in the fermenter. Was this OK to do? I estimate there was about 3 litres of cider left in there but as I wasn't using a racking cane I couldn't syphon it out. Will this be OK in the 2nd brew? It started fizzing like the clappers, so no problems with primary fermentation.
"Frosty Sacks" has been sitting for 6 days in a cool place now and looks like this:



My girlfriend's dad and I destroyed a few bottles of this on Tuesday night and it was really good stuff! Hopefully will taste really, really good in a couple of weeks...if it lasts that long :drink: